Hermes config not found on Linux
We are trying to setep automatic regression testing using Jenkins, Maven and Soap UI + HermesJMS.
On Windows we have the following configuration working:
- <project dir.>/soapui-settings.xml
<con:setting id="ToolsSettings@hermesjms">src/test/resources/hermes</con:setting>
referring to Hermes config dir
- <project dir>/src/test/resources/hermes/lib
containing all hermes lib jars
- <project dir>/src/test/resources/hermes/hermes-config.xml
- <project dir>/CreateLoanApplication.xml
<con:setting id="ProjectSettings@hermesConfig">src/test/resources/hermes</con:setting>
referring also to Hermes config dir
- <project dir>/pom.xml
configuring the maven soap UI plugin:
When we execute the Maven test goal on Windows this runs succesful.
But when we try to run this on Linux via Jenkins then we get the following error:
[SoapUI] An error occured [Session name 'CreateLoanApplication-T-Phase2' does not exist in Hermes configuration or path to Hermes config ( /src/test/resources/hermes )is not valid !!!!]
So it seems that the Hermes config dir can't be found on Linux.
I have tried different alternatives to change the
to refer directly to the Hermes config dir but nothing was succesful.
I hope somebody from the Community can help.
Kind regards,
Jeroen Landman