Auth Headers on PUT with body disappear
I am reasonably new to SOAPUI. I am running SOAPUI 5.3.0 on Windows 8.1
I need to setup an automated integration test that requires a RabbitMQ instance. RabbitMQ helpfully includes an HTTP API, so it seems that SOAPUI could help with creating a new VHost, User and Queue via HTTP requests. I could then run the tests that actually test my app, and again use SOAPUI for HTTP requests to cleanup.
RabbitMQ requires Basic Authentication. I have added the correct username and password to the "ServiceViewer", and can successfully run PUT and DELETE methods, which include the Authorization header - as long as there is no body. For DELETE this is fine.
But for PUT with a JSON body, I see a message saying "Software caused connection abort: recv failed".
This is all running against a local copy of RabbitMQ, so I am not too concerned about the passwords etc showing up.
Step 1: I added Auth Headers in the "Service Viewer" window:
Step 2: A successful PUT request with an empty body:
.. and the RAW view, showing the Auth header
Step 3 - A PUT request with a JSON body, and the "Software caused connection abort: recv failed" message
The RAW view shows that the Auth header is missing:
I can remove the JSON body, and I get an expected RabbitMQ error response:
and, once again, the in the RAW view, the header is there:
I have run each of these requests via the Chrome "RESTlet Client" extension, which is a small scale REST API test app, with no issues at all. This tells me that the issue is either with my setup in SOAPUI or with SOAPUI itself. I am hoping for the former.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
FWIW RabbitMQ HTTP API docs:
PS, I am located in a timezone quite far from the US (GMT+2) so I will most likely not be able to reply immediately, however I will always respond when I can.