Forum Discussion

callen's avatar
Regular Visitor
2 years ago

Setting a default Project in QAComplete upon login

Hello!! Is there a way to change the QAC project that users see after login? I cannot find a setting for it. We are not using SSO or AD. The person that originally set everyone up years ago is no one to ask here. And people are getting annoyed that even though they work in 1 project, they have to constantly switch to it after logging in.




1 Reply

  • alopulid233's avatar
    Occasional Visitor
    1. Log In: Start by logging into your QAComplete app.
    2. Navigate to Settings: Go to the settings section within the app interface.
    3. Access Project Settings: Look for options related to project management or preferences.
    4. Select Default Project: Find the setting to choose a default project from the list of available projects.
    5. Configure Default: Set the desired project as the default option for easier access.
    6. Save Changes: Confirm and save your settings to ensure the default project is applied.
    7. Verify Application: Log out and log back in to verify that the default project is correctly set.
    8. Check User Access: Ensure all relevant users have the necessary permissions for the default project.
    9. Test Functionality: Test the app functionality to make sure the default project loads as expected.
    10. Update Documentation: If necessary, update your internal documentation to reflect this change.
    11. Communicate Changes: Inform your team about the new default project setting to avoid confusion.
    12. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly monitor the app to ensure the default project setting continues to meet your needs and make adjustments if necessary.

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