Forum Discussion

Lu's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Importing of test cases: what is spec for CSV format?

We need to determine if we will be able to import our tests into your tool.  Based on the "Importing and Exporting Tests" page in the User Guide, it can be imported in CSV format.  However, this page in the User Guide does not provide all the information we need.

Is there a place in the user guide that indicates the full spec for the CSV format we need to import test cases and requirements?

For example:

* what should the expected columns be?

* do they need quotes escaped, how to escape them?

Maybe there is a different page where I should be looking to find this?

Thank you.
  • Hi Lu,

    The CSV file format is pretty standard: it's best practice to enclose each column in double quotation marks, separated by a comma.

    If you look at a Test in the Test Library (just try out Add New) you'll see the standard fields. We require Title and Status. Other fields are optional. If you have additional data, you can define Custom Fields and import data into those fields.

    So, your CSV file could look something like this:

    "Title", "Status", "Description", "Steps", "Expected Results"

    "Here's my title", "Approved", "Here is my description","this is step one", "this is expected result one"

    If you have multiple steps, create a row for each step. Make the Title, Status and Description match for each row that belongs to the same test.

    If you have certain needs or need additional assistance, our support team would be happy to help. Just click on Help Center in the top right, then select Create Support Ticket.
  • brogers_1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Barabara,

    When I format the .csv as described, ALM marks each step as Step 1.
  • brogers_1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I got it.

    It does not get the test step # from the test step, but has to get it from a separate column assigned to Step_seq
  • Hi Brian,

    You're right, it is not based on the text in the Step but is a separate column.

    If you mark Step_Seq as 'Ignore' it will calculate the step sequence number for you.
  • We are looking to import our requirements from an excel spreadsheet and upload in to QAComplete. What is the full spec for the csv file. Does it always have to be coma delimited.

    We also dont use the Release tab ot Test Management tab in the latest release as they do not work for the way we use tests. You can only use Pass/Fail in test management.