Forum Discussion

gregmichalak's avatar
15 years ago

DevComplete: How can I get a rollup of requirement estimates?

I have created "Feature Group" requirements folders which contain "Feature" requirements folders which contain requirements.

Feature Group 1

    Feature A

        Requirement 1A1 : 8 hours

        Requirement 1A2 : 4 hours

    Feature B

        Requirement 1B1 : 16 hours



Feature Group N

    Feature A

        Requirement NA1 : 2 hours

        Requirement NA2 : 32 hours


Can I get a report that shows me the total hours each "Feature Group" will take and the total hours each "Feature" will take? 

I'm trying to do some high level trade-offs to determine which features/requirements could fit in a release.  
  • jmollitor_1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Greg,

    We do not have a Requirements report that totals Estimated Hours for Requirements by Folder.  But, you can easily export the Requirements data into CSV format to pull into a spreadsheet for your own custom analysis.  Just go to Actions/Export Requirements from your listing screen.  You can choose to export all fields or just the ones you are showing on your listing screen.