Forum Discussion

PeterNguyen's avatar
Regular Visitor
7 years ago

step to migrate collaborator 10.2 to collaborator 11.2 using Mysql 5.1 to Mysql 5.6

Dear TeamMember,



Do you have procedure or Step by step  to Migrate / Upgrade 

current collaborator version 10.2 , database Mysql 5.1


 to collaborator version 11.2 , database Mysql 5.6

1 Reply

  • yimy's avatar
    Community Manager

    Hi Peter,


    I am pasting the information provided through a case here.


    These are the general steps to migrate and upgrade Collaborator.

    1. Create a backup dump from the old server using Collaborator 10.2.10200.
    2. Install the same version of Collaborator 10.2.10200 on the new server.
    3. Restore the dump on the new server through Collaborator.
    4. Copy the "<collab-server install dir>/tomcat/collaborator-content-cache" folder from the old server to the new server.

    You can find more detailed information about these steps on the links below:

    Please follow the instructions on the link below to prepare the database before the restoration step.
    You will also find instruction on how to download and install the Mysql driver.


