Forum Discussion

dkturner's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Migrating Code Collaborator To SAML Authenticaiton

I'm working with an existing Code Collaborator installation that has years' worth of code review records and their associated users.  For security and to unify the service login procedures among several applications we use, I would like to use the SAML authentication feature of Code Collaborator.  I read through the SAML single sign on documentation Smartbear provides, but I have not found any information on how adding SSO impacts existing user accounts.

Does anyone have experience migrating an existing Collaborator userbase to SSO?  Is there any documented steps on how I would need to perform such a migration and ensure SSO users link to their old accounts?

  • Hi,


    The main identification of a user in Collaborator is a login. If the user has identical Collaborator and SSO logins, this user shall be able to access the account after the migration.

    If the logins differ, you will need to change the user's login in Collaborator using the following command:

    ccollab admin user edit --new-login <new-username(which is used in SSO)> <existing-username>

  • Fyodor_A's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)



    The main identification of a user in Collaborator is a login. If the user has identical Collaborator and SSO logins, this user shall be able to access the account after the migration.

    If the logins differ, you will need to change the user's login in Collaborator using the following command:

    ccollab admin user edit --new-login <new-username(which is used in SSO)> <existing-username>

      • dimago's avatar
        New Contributor



        May I bug you guys on this? I need some help to get this working too.


        I just did a fresh install and created a new local user/login called "mjordan". My AD domain uses the same format as "mjordan".


        I setup the ADFS and Collaborator settings and in the first shot I did I was able to login but it did not assume the local user and instead of that looks like a new user was created called "".


        I tried different and many Claim Rules.


        Is there a chance to share with me the ADFS Claims you used?


