15 years ago
RFE: A request for an approch to diffing PDF file versions
Here is the situation:
I have a document, in pdf form, and I upload it to Code Collaborator for review.
Comments are made.
I now have a new version which I also upload to the same review.
The Problem:
The markers are in the incorrect locations for the new version.
Have Code collaborator provide a way for the author to indicate insertions and deletions in the pdf.
This would allow the markers to move appropriately in the following sections of the document so that
the markers can remain in sync with the new version(s) of the document.
Why This Thread?
SmartBear asked me to start a thread to see if there was interest in this proposal by other users of Code Collaborator so they could appropriately prioritize the feature request.
I have a document, in pdf form, and I upload it to Code Collaborator for review.
Comments are made.
I now have a new version which I also upload to the same review.
The Problem:
The markers are in the incorrect locations for the new version.
Have Code collaborator provide a way for the author to indicate insertions and deletions in the pdf.
This would allow the markers to move appropriately in the following sections of the document so that
the markers can remain in sync with the new version(s) of the document.
Why This Thread?
SmartBear asked me to start a thread to see if there was interest in this proposal by other users of Code Collaborator so they could appropriately prioritize the feature request.