Forum Discussion

cpjvelde's avatar
Occasional Visitor
10 years ago

JSON API: ReviewService.addFiles doesn't upload local files when specifying baseVersion


I'm trying to upload a file to a review using the JSON API ReviewService.addFiles by sending a multi-part request.

I made the zip-archive with the MD5 named files.


It doesn't seem to work when I provide the baseVersion-field. I get a 200 OK response, but the file doesn't show up in the review.


Here's the request that *does* work (json part only):

[ {"command":"SessionService.authenticate"
, {"command":"ReviewService.addFiles"


Here's the request that does *not* work (json part only):


[ {"command":"SessionService.authenticate"
, {"command":"ReviewService.addFiles"


The only difference is that the latter request contains a baseVersion. I make sure I included both revisions in the zip-archive.


Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here? (or where I could dig for some debug logging).

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