Recent DiscussionsMost RecentMost ViewedTagged:TagNew post isn't visible for everyone Hello, I join to forum 06-04-2015 and create new post here, but is not visible for anyone than me. Did I do something wrong ? SolvedImprove new post/answer text area toolbarHi there, When I post reply, there is a text field where I enter the text of the message. This text field has a simple toolbar above with only 6 buttons (bold, italics, URL, etc.). Howev...Community Experts The Community Expert group is a prestige group of community members that know SmartBear products like the back of their hands and are always ready to answer any questions. SmartBear Experts are volun...Password in verification email upon account registrationFor new accounts created, please remove the plaintext password that is included in the verification email sent to the new user. Sure, some other sites do include it as well. However, the vast m...Issues found in new forum software I made my first post in the new software and I've found three issues. Do you want them posted here or in a support ticket? New User Registration There is a problem with the new user registration when doing it this way: Select "Sign In" -> Select "New User? Register here." This brings up a Register dialog that has no place for a user n...Website SearchI'm not sure where else to put this. I've tried searching with the Search window on the website, and I don't get any results. I've tried using even common words or terms that would definitely be th...Solvedspam in the forumsThere's been a lot of spam in the Novice User Help forum for TestComplete - is something being done to address this?SolvedConsole AutomationHow should I get the text displayed in a Putty client? why do i have to reset my password each time I visit the SmartBear forum? Why must I reset my password each time I visit the SmartBear forum. I can reset it each time to get back in but the minute I log out, I must again request a password reset. Using the URL supplie...Solved