How to get the Tooltip text for test complete 14 and windows
After much trying to figure out how to get the tool tip text, this is what we found worked: 1. Add System.Windows.Controls.ToolTip to project: Double click on Project name in Project Workspace Click on Properties tab Go to Open Applications→ WPF Under the 'Compositecontrols' tab of WPF Controlsclick the Add button Addthe System.Windows.Controls.ToolTip class and check the Activecheckbox Save project 2.To view a tooltip inTestComplete'sObject Browser without moving the mouse while hovering: Open and size the test complete window and the application windows so they are both visible on your monitor Open the Object Browser tab of Test complete In the application window, hover the mouse on the desired tooltip Alt + Tab to change the window and go to the test complete window (use arrow keys to move from one window to another) Ctrl+R to refresh the Object Browser A PopupRoot type process should appear under the process you are running in your application Use the up and down arrow keys to traverse through the objects till you get past the tooltip object to the textblock object that has the text ( in some cases we had multiple textblocks) 3. Here is some sample Python code to get the tooltip text: tooltipText = [] ObjectName.HoverMouse(-1,-1) Delay(1500) Sys.Process("ProcessName").Refresh() popupRootChildren = Sys.Process("ProcessName").FindAllChildren("ClrClassName", "PopupRoot", 100) forpopupRootinpopupRootChildren: tooltip = popupRoot.FindChild("ClrClassName", "ToolTip", 100) if(tooltip.Exists): textblockChildren = tooltip.FindAllChildren("ClrClassName", "TextBlock", 100) for textblock in textblockChildren: tooltipText.append(textblock.Text.OleValue)2.6KViews1like1CommentIn TestComplete ,The object properties changes adhoc. See details below
Details of the Application Desktop Application, objects are identified as Winforms object. Few objects are not identified in testcomplete. So We are using Open Application. Please find the below settings that are used. but the object browser changes frequently. Even it changes Winform Objects. In Current Project Properties, General - Native TextObjects on Top, Native MSAA in last but one, NativeUIA is at the bottom MSAA - * (For All Objects) UI Automation - * (For All objects) Text Recognition - * (For Accepted windows & Extended Support) Additional information: Objects Class Name : For same object, We are getting UIA object (UIAObject) & MSAA objects too. When we are using Highlight options, it is not highlighting correctly The picture showed in object browser is not clear We are using Descriptive Programming. Please let me know if any more information is required. Thanks in Advance. Please suggest an Object browser settings for Winform + Windows Combination.2.7KViews0likes3CommentsIn Windows 10 Creators Update, the text (NativeUIAObject.Name) in dialogs can not be recognised
Thereis a general problem with the Windows creator Version 1703 and TestComplete for recognising the text in all of standard dialog-windows:Window("#32770", ...). In other windows version there's no problem with this. It's not possible to pick the inner UIAObjectwith TestCompleteto get access to theNativeUIAObject.Name property any more. Therefore it is impossible to read the text of any standard windows dialog box any more. For example, in object: Sys.Process("notepad").Window("#32770", "Editor", 1).UIAObject("Editor").UIAObject("Möchten_Sie_die_Änderungen_an_Unbenannt_speichern_").NativeUIAObject.Name The last part can not be recognised: UIAObject("Möchten_Sie_die_Änderungen_an_Unbenannt_speichern_").NativeUIAObject.Name Is there any idea of a solution or workaround for this problem? Our testcases work interactively with the test objects and have to be able to read all of the standard windows dialogs.636Views0likes0CommentsaqFile.Exists(filePath) is returning true, but aqFile.GetSize(filePath) returns an error
I have some code that first checks if the file exists, and then does some other stuff, including getting the file size. If aqFile.Exists(filePath) Then fileSize = aqFile.GetSize(filePath) ' Do some other stuff End If This works consistentlyon my Windows 10 tests, but fails every timeon the second line on Windows 7 with this error message: "Unable to open the file." I'm not sure what to do here, I thought the whole point of doing the If Then statement with aqFile.Exists was to avoid this kind of error? Can anyone help me out?1KViews0likes2Comments