Broken links in test results HTML generated by testrunner.bat
There are broken links in the HTML test results generated by testrunner.bat In Windows, using ReadyAPI version 3.48 How to reproduce: 1 - Create a project that has a period in its name (e.g. Project1.0) 2 - Run the tests through the commandline, using testrunner.bat with the flags -A -r -j -I -f <output file> "-RJUnit-Style HTML Report" -FXML <project file> 3 - Open the index.html on a browser There are broken links in the HTML (they can also be seen directly in the "frame" html files that have been generated in the test results output directory). The reason they are broken is that the period "." character in the project name (and corresponding directory now created in the test results directory) has been replaced with a "/".188Views1like1Commentready-api-soapui-testrunner does not pass global properties
Hi I'm using ready-api-soapui-testrunner:3.47.0 Docker image to run my tests But global properties used in -e COMMAND_LINE are not passed to the project file and tests are failing. E.g. -Gmy.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://remote-server:6446/databasename?user=username&password=plainpassword222 gives java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user ''@'remote-server' which indicates that username that I have provided is not known to the testrunner. Using Readyapi or command line using testrunner.bat works without any problem. Tests run and are passed. So what is the reason to failure when running the Docker image?447Views1like3CommentsAccess to result of API Connection Teststep of Kafka Subscribe
Hi, I am currently trying to access the response of API Connection Teststep of Kafka Subscribe and cannot make it work. In the assertion of the step itself I can see that it is getting a Data-Oject as expected. Now I want to use that event from kafka for further processing. Tried it like this in a groovy script after the subscription teststep: def response = context.expand( '${API Connection Subscribe}' ); "response=$response"; Result of script is: Wed Jul 19 20:05:25 CEST 2023: INFO: response= Any idea? Found some questions in the community with a result, but none of them did work. Thanks for help, regards, Florian Heere362Views1like3CommentsIs it possible to set the test case failed reason that is used in the reports?
This question came up a couple of days ago when going through a TestSuite Report with other team members. Is it possible to set the test case failed reason to a custom message? Currently when a TestCase fails the report simply shows the reason as 'Failing due to failed test step', and I was asked "That's a bit vague, any chance of getting a more descriptive message there." This leads to another question, what other reasons are there? I checked back in a few reports and all I ever see is "Failing due to failed test step." I looked through the javadocs and gained no particular insight there. ps. I would love for there to be a "Curiosity" label for questions like these. 😼341Views1like2Comments3.44 issue with Read timed out
test step is failing due to " Read timed out", we tried increasing the socket timeout but it is still failing after the default 1 minute time. this project and test step is working fine when using 3.41 readyapi version but same test is failing in 3.44 and the latest 3.45 versions. please let us know what need to be done here as this impacting our regression testsSolved1.4KViews1like2CommentsHow to best assert unordered results?
One of the great features of ReadyAPI are the Smart Assertions. They are really useful when dealing with large amounts of data and can be easily adjusted when there are some changes by using "Load from Transactions". This saves a lot of time having to manually add each assertion. However, there a a few issues that make it less than ideal. 1. No Search Facility to quickly find an Assertion. 2. No Facility to add Flows like If and Else or Loops. 3. No Conversion to Script. 4. And especially no facility to deal with unordered list results where the order can be different with each call. 5. Also no Update Feature that allows preserving properties and previous setups. Therefore we unfortunately can't really use this feature with most of our calls. I would like to know if there are others that have similar problems to solve and if there is a recommended way to deal with this apart from writing complex scripts. Data-Driven Tests might be one way.577Views1like3CommentsHow to set single-page JUnit report format in Groovy script
I want to generate a single-page JUnit report from a Groovy script. I am able to use JUnitReportEngine and generate a multiple-pages report, which is the default format. However, I am not able to set SINGLE_PAGE_PRINT_REPORT_FORMAT. There's no appropriate parameter in constructor, I have also tried to set it up in GeneratableJUnitReport method generate as a jrFormats parameter: generate(Settings settings, java.lang.String[] jrFormats, java.lang.String folder) In the SDK (links above) there's no documentation how to do that. Can you please advise?708Views1like2CommentsBehavior when a test step fails
I have a collection of test cases, each with several groovy-script test steps. When a test-step fails, the method is called. This has the effect of ending that current test step, and not running all subsequent test steps in that test case -- is that the intended behavior? Question: Is it possible to have the subsequent test steps still run? Or if I want that behavior, is it better to separate the logic into a discrete test case? All the best, -MdarSolved1KViews1like2CommentsHow to configure gitlab pipeline for ReadyAPI from TestRunner
We are trying to configure gitlab pipeline for ReadyAPI from TestRunner commandline , We have added below code into the ".gitlab-ci.yml" file in gitLab ------------------------------- stages: - build - test build: stage: build script: - echo "Building Pipeline" test: stage: test script: - echo "Testing Pipeline" - chmod +x "PATH TO testrunner.bat" -a "-f PATH TO \Test Reports" "-RProject Report" -FPDF -E PATH TO PROJECT FILE --------------------------------- The code is commited to GitLab. When i run the Pipeline the execution is failed due to below Reason: -------------------------------------- chmod: invalid option -- a BusyBox v1.32.0 (2020-11-23 21:18:59 UTC) multi-call binary. Usage: chmod [-Rcvf] MODE[,MODE]... FILE... Each MODE is one or more of the letters ugoa, one of the symbols +-= and one or more of the letters rwxst -R Recurse -c List changed files -v List all files -f Hide errors ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1 ------------------------------ Could anyone please provide the solution for this. Vallalarasu_P1.4KViews1like5Comments