Lock Test Cycles and Phases to disable executions
As a test lead, I need to be able to lock or disable test cycles and phases so testers can no longer execute test cases or update their statuses. Currently, we only have the ability to Hide/Unhide Test Cycles within releases. However, this does not block any further executions from happening, as you can still find the executions via search.More options for configuration of the release summary and test planning calendars
Currently, the release summary and test planning calendars are limited to showing either Monthly or Weekly (Sun-Sat). As a test manager, I'd like the ability to customize these calendars to: Have more date range display options such as quarter, half a year, full year, or a custom date range Show only work week (Mon - Fri) Change week configuration for International calendar settings (ISO8601), i.e., "Mon-Sun" OLD ID:- ZENT-I-305Create a test phase directly from repository folder
As a tester, I get a story (requirement\new feature) to test, then: 1. I begin to design the test cases I going to run and build the test tree under the repository. 2. Map the testing to the requirement. 3. Open a test phase under the test cycle for this story. 4. Move to test execution to run the test phase. I want the option to create test phase directly from the repository folder. Furthermore, I usually, during the test execution, think of more scenarios to test, and I need to go the whole process again from 1-4 for the new scenarios. I want the option to run the test case as part of the phase, from the test case in the repository level.