Extend test execution related information
To support a continuous risk-based test strategy, hereby requesting the following custom fields and possibilities to be added: -Possibility to add Build Number to an individual test case execution. Hence looking at Execution History will list Status history with associated Build Numbers. -Possibility to filter on Build Number -Possibility to sort on Executed On (I e sort on execution date)Add features to collapse and preview test steps in Test Execution
When working with a test step with a lot of text or images, it creates a really long test case. It would helpful to limit the vertical size, and add an option to click to expand (adding wrapping and truncation). It would also be helpful to be able to click the image within the test step to launch the image preview. currently you have to leave the test step and scroll the bottom of the test case, preview the image, close it, then scroll back up to the test step to update the exeuction status.Need a dashboard widget that shows Test step status's
Need a dashboard widget that shows Test step status's. Zephyr Scale has a widget called Test Execution Results that shows the individual steps added to an test issue. We want to be able to report on this information and include it in our dashboards. Can this widget be added to Zephyr Squad?289Views2likes2CommentsZephyr squad loading issue - 504 bad gateway timeout.
Since from yesterday i.e. 08/08/2023 till now Zephyr squad loading issue as not been resolved and if it access and try to edit/add new TC's, currently the update is not happening. Also if user deletes any of the test steps in middle of the TC, its not reflecting. Please look into the issue and request to resolve on priority basis.347Views2likes1CommentLock Test Cycles and Phases to disable executions
As a test lead, I need to be able to lock or disable test cycles and phases so testers can no longer execute test cases or update their statuses. Currently, we only have the ability to Hide/Unhide Test Cycles within releases. However, this does not block any further executions from happening, as you can still find the executions via search.Possibility to order regarding Order ID in test execution
In test planning I have the possibility to order testcases regarding Order ID. But this ordering is not taken over to test execution, in case the test phase was created by "Create New". If creating a test phase from Repository both test planning and test execution have the same order. But not if using "Create New". We need to have the possibility to order testcases and execute them in the same order, independent of how to create a phase. For more details see case #00542683.Can we please talk about Zephyr execution latency?
I feel like this gets talked about every so often but nothing ever changes - there are posts from users going back literal years about this issue and it is by far the biggest, if not the primary, thing that drives me crazy about Zephyr (Squad, these days) and also the main reason I daydream about switching TMPs on a very regular basis. When manually executing test cases, the fact that every single interaction prompts a DB update is maddening. Change the value of a Status drop-down? Reload the page. Add a comment (or part of a comment but leave focus)? Reload the page. Click the wrong thing? Ha ha, sucker, reload the page. Each of these reloads (at least for our cloud version) take anywhere from 3 to a whopping 25 [EDITED: in taking a video to show my manager it actually took over 45 seconds for each action] seconds (and sometimes more, on a particularly bad day), so if I'm working on a test case with, say, twenty steps in it and adding notes as I go, that's minutes of wasted time sitting here waiting for the dang page to update. Multiply that by X number of test cases in a cycle and I swear to Pete, I want to throttle someone. You can't even mitigate some of that torture by marking all test steps as PASS as there's no functionality to do that, at least in the cloud version. It's ridiculous. It's unacceptable. If you could give me one thing for Xmas, Smartbear, it would be to actually acknowledge this humongous issue and maybe, just maybe, put it in your roadmap to address in the next, I dunno, decade? If it wasn't clear I can't stand it any more. Love, Jen971Views2likes3CommentsExporting JIRA and Zephyr Field to get a complete view of test cases executions
When exporting from Zephyr into an Excel spreadsheet the only filed available are the Zephyr fields. Other JIRA filed associates with a test case like comments, description, attachment, etc. ... are not included. We need to do multiple exports from JIRA and Zephyr to get all the information we need, merge documents to get all we need in the report. Questions: is there a way to export the JIRA Field and the Zephyr Field together? Is there an add-on or apps that we can install, integrate and use that would solve the issue? Thanks for your help.881Views2likes0Comments