Running test complete tests on appserver remotely through jenkins slave
Hello- We have been testcomplete heavily for our UI testing and currently we install our appserver on same machine as jenkins agent and test complete resides on which limits our capability to scale and also we get jenkins connection issues intermittently. I was wondering is it possible to have test execute and jenkins agent/slave on a separate machine and can the tests be invoked remotely on app machine through jenkins slave which we already do with our other frameworks . Is it mandatory to have test execute installed locally on the same machine where tests will be run ( I have not seen that limitation with other tools) . Is it possible that we can have one jenkins slave with test execute/test complete on it and invoke tests remotely on our app server ? Are there any challenges there. Appreciate any input /feedback on this.Solved1.3KViews0likes5CommentsJenkins build error "The operation cannot be performed, because the user session is disconnected."
I have a test environment where a remote server (Windows 2019 server) with Test Execute/Complete is controlled using a Jenkins Instance on a Linux server. Jenkins uses the TC plug-in, it uses a Jenkins agent running on the remote server to allow control. The remote windows server has been configured as per the instructions here The Jenkins plug-in uses the Run interactive user session checked and uses a valid username and password. With the remote server open via a RDC the TC test suite executes successfully when triggered from the Jenkins application, when I lock or close the remote server TC successfully executes test cases that use API/Service interfaces but the Tests that use the actual AUT (application under test) UI return the error "The operation cannot be performed, because the user session is disconnected" Does anybody have any further debug/config changes that is required to resolve my issue? ThanksSolved2.3KViews0likes7CommentsWorking in TestComplete while an NetworkSuite-Job is running
I got one license for TestComplete and one license for TestExecute on a remote machine. When i´m executing in TestComplete a NetworkSuite-Job on the remote TestExecute i can´t work on my KeywordTest/Scripts/ect. while its executing. (The strange thing is: i can open KeywordTests, i can add other tests to it but i can´t delete these - so why?). So my idea is just an call-for-action: Please make TestComplete workable, while it´s executing remote things!17KViews22likes14Comments