API Gateway extension/plugin for Swagger editor - Does this exist
Good Morning! Sorry to ask, But my searching as turned up nothing. I am using the swagger editor to work with a new OAS document and i need to add some API Gateway information to it. Is there a plugin for API gateway that can be used with the editor to provide syntax highlighting and code completion? I'm kinda going back and forth with the API Gateway documentation on AWS and it's getting a litle tedious. If there is no such thing, Can someone provide insight on thier workflow when creating API specs and adding x-amazon-apigateway elements to the spec file? I'm open to other editors/methods on doing this. To provide a little background, i'm making an API for a work-related project and using the Amazon CDK to build the API. That part works, but i want to flesh it out a little more by adding custom elements for handing mock endpoints and documentation. I have plenty of examples to do this, i'm just looking for a better workflow to make the document. Thanks! NOTE: This isn't spam, this is a legitimate question i have. Can you please unmark this?How to change the TLS version SoapUI uses for MQTT
Hi everyone, I am currently trying to get a "Receive MQTT Message"-TestStep to work which always runs into a timeout. After checking all URLs, ports and changing vmoptions to use TLS 1.2 I still had no success. I found an issue on Github that seems to describe a possible solution for my problem: https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.java/issues/309 Here the SocketFactory that is required for the MqttClient has been created with "TLSv1". According to the issuer of that ticket changing it to "TLSv1.2" fixed his problem. I took a look into the source code for the MQTT plugin by SmartBear (https://github.com/SmartBear/ready-mqtt-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/com/smartbear/mqttsupport/connection/ssl/SSLCertsHelper.java) and noticed that "TLSv1" seems to be hardcoded: SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1"); Does anyone know if this means that MQTT will always use TLSv1 even if I changed my vmoptions to use TLSv1.2 ? I tried recompiling this plugin after changing TLS to "TLSv1.2" in the code but just replacing it does not seem to work as all testSteps (not only MQTT) are missing afterwards. Best regards Max749Views0likes0CommentsHow to properly create the request body assertion in ReadyAPI custom plugin?
I've manage to create a custom ReadyAPI plugin with two assertions, for request body and response body. Not the separate test steps, but regular assertions to be added to "Assertions" tab in request test step settings. Both classes extend `WsdlMessageAssertion` class and implement `RequestAssertion` and `ResponseAssertion` interfaces respectively. But the issue is both of these assertions are executed with `assertResponse` -> `internalAssertResponse` methods run. So I have two questions: 1) Is it possible to create a request body assertion that will be run properly with `assertRequest` -> `internalAssertRequest` methods run, and how to achive this? 2) Is it possible to execute request body assertion before the actual request during the test case run? Would it be possible with regular request test step assertions, or should it be achieved with assertions as separate test steps?Solved1.6KViews0likes2CommentsHow to customize logging settings for a custom ReadyAPI plugin
I've found the ability to tune logging for a custom third-party Ready API plugin by editing the bin/soapui-log4j.xml file. Is there a way to set a custom plugin's logging settings (console, file or some logs at ReadyAPI bottom logs UI panel) within the plugin's compiled *.jar file itself, not to edit the global soapui-log4j.xml file?707Views0likes0CommentsSuppressing info logging when using a maven plugin
Hello, I am using the ready-api maven plugin to run tests. I have a composite project. I am trying to supress the logging and output file creation because it is filling up the filesystem on our jenkins build slave. <logger name="com.smartbear.ready.cmd.runner.pro.SoapUIProTestCaseRunner" level="warn" additivity="false"> <appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/> </logger> Here is what I have tried, none of which seems to supress the info logging: - logback.xml in src/main/java/resources <- set the log level to warn for the SoapUIProTestCaseRunner - logback.xml in src/test/java/resources <- set the log level to warn for the SoapUIProTestCaseRunner - soapui-log4j.xml in src/main/java/resources <- set the log level to warn for the SoapUIProTestCaseRunner - soapui-log4j.xml in src/test/java/resources <- set the log level to warn for the SoapUIProTestCaseRunner I am wondering why the project is not picking up the logging level when I build it. We do not have the acess to SOAP_UI home directory to install the logging configuration there. So, that is not an option for us.Solved4.4KViews0likes9CommentsSmartBear Test Extension does not work in Chrome 75
When attempting to execute a test using TestExecute, Chrome is launched, and the URL bar displays "chrome-extension://gmhjclgpamdccpomoomknemhmmialaae/exit"; however, the body of the page indicates that the URL could not be loaded. Chrome version: 75.0.3770.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) SmartBear Test Extension version: 14.0.0 TestExecute Version: 14.10.999.11 x64 The specific reason for the failure differs depending on whether I launched Chrome in "incognito" mode, or standard mode. When launched in standard mode, the error message is "ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND", and the Network log corroborates the claim: When launched in "Incognito" mode, the error is slightly different: "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT": I have configured the permissions for the plugin to both "Allow in incognito" and to "Allow access to file URLs":Solved2.3KViews0likes5CommentsTestComplete Jenkins Enhancement
In the current version of the Jenkins plugin for TestComplete there are fields for user and password if running test as an interactive user session. Today these are freeform. I would like to make the recommendation that the plugin use the built in Jenkins credentials manager to select the user to run as from. In today's world with the need for increased security, we are required to have passwords rotate regularly. If we have hundreds of test jobs built out in Jenkins, we would have to modify each and every one of these each time passwords rotate. If the credentials manager is used, you can go to one location, and update the password for the account and not have to worry about modifying each individual job. Thoughts? Anyone else have this issue? Have you found other ways to address?2KViews3likes0CommentsDevelop a custom Test Step integrated in SOAPUI
Hello all i'm using SoapUi opensource 5.3 i'm try to implement a custom step to perfom same FTP operation as part of my step a test case i have already implemented the step as a groovy script, but now i would like to implement it has a step present in the soapui user inerface. (right click on Test steps > add step > My ftp step ) browsing on internet I found that was possible wiht the previous version of SoapUI (4.x) but for the new version still i didn't found any valid documentation to follow to start up same development is there sameone of you that can help my to find same valid documents4.3KViews0likes8CommentsPlugins for offline device
For various corporate reasons, I do my work on a device that does not have access to the general internet - I can only access URLs within the company intranet. I therefore cannot browse plugins. I'd like to install the GIT plugin. Is there any way I can do this "offline"? "Could not load plugin list from repository - Available plugins will not be displayed" I note there's a "load plugin from file" option - is it possible to just grab the plugins as JARs and drop them somewhere locally? Failing that, I may be able to get the plugin location white-listed. If I were to do that, what would be the correct URL(s) to white-list so the plugin browser would work?2.2KViews0likes3CommentsMaven Soapui Plugin with json assertions does not work well in junit test
Maven Soapui Plugin with json assertions does not work well when i use last respository version in a maven project: <groupId>com.smartbear.soapui</groupId> <artifactId>soapui-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>5.1.3</version> Logs: 17:37:26,465 ERROR [TestAssertionRegistry] Missing assertion for type [JsonPath RegEx Match] 17:37:26,482 ERROR [TestAssertionRegistry] Missing assertion for type [JsonPath Count] When will it be released 5.1.2 version to be able to use this type of assertion? A lot of thanks!!!!! Cristian Romero Matesanz3.9KViews0likes3Comments