In Windows 10 Creators Update, the text (NativeUIAObject.Name) in dialogs can not be recognised
Thereis a general problem with the Windows creator Version 1703 and TestComplete for recognising the text in all of standard dialog-windows:Window("#32770", ...). In other windows version there's no problem with this. It's not possible to pick the inner UIAObjectwith TestCompleteto get access to theNativeUIAObject.Name property any more. Therefore it is impossible to read the text of any standard windows dialog box any more. For example, in object: Sys.Process("notepad").Window("#32770", "Editor", 1).UIAObject("Editor").UIAObject("Möchten_Sie_die_Änderungen_an_Unbenannt_speichern_").NativeUIAObject.Name The last part can not be recognised: UIAObject("Möchten_Sie_die_Änderungen_an_Unbenannt_speichern_").NativeUIAObject.Name Is there any idea of a solution or workaround for this problem? Our testcases work interactively with the test objects and have to be able to read all of the standard windows dialogs.638Views0likes0CommentsTestComplete dialog popup says "Out of system resources"
I get this every once in a while and I'm not sure what is causing it. This dialog stops my test from running in TestComplete. I'm not actually out of system resources so I'm not sure what it is complaining about. I've attached a picture of the dialog and my current system resources. Once I click OK on this dialog TestComplete continues to test as if nothing happened and then will pop up again shortly. TC Version:11.11.1064.72.8KViews0likes10Comments