Custom field should provide customizable font color
To have a better overview of values of a custom field (e.g. Type: picklist) it also should be possible to set the font color of different values. In my case I want to add a custom field of the pick list type with three different values and for each value I want to have a different color. This would help to improve clarity. of a test case.Hidden or read-only Review Custom Fields
We have developed an integration from a document-management system that uses one review custom field to store foreign document id and version information. When the review is created this information is provided from the other system through the JSON API. Obviously we do not want the GUI Client users to change this field, but currently Collaborator does not allow this. To make life easier in this kind of use cases, I propose Collaborator admin section to have following extra (boolean) settings for review custom fields: hidden, only to be modified/read through the API read-only, visible in GUI, but modifiable only through the API3.2KViews1like0Comments