How to add test execution result with statuses of steps from API
Hello, i am working to integrate my c# and MSTest solution to cucumber studio, we are using BDD format scenarios/tests and need to add test execution results with status for each step, but as you see from the screenshot, there is no such support for it... can you help me with that?Solved6.8KViews0likes8CommentsUnable to override cucumber tags from command line
I have this strange issue where I am unable to override the tag in the runner with the tag I supply from command line. Runner class:- @RunWith(Cucumber.class) @CucumberOptions( plugin = {"pretty", "timeline:target/cucumber-timeline/", "json:target/cucumber-report/cucumber.json", "junit:target/cucumber-report/report-xml.xml"}, dryRun = false, useFileNameCompatibleName = true, stepNotifications = true, strict = true, features = "src/test/resources/features", snippets = CucumberOptions.SnippetType.CAMELCASE, glue = {"com.Novatel"}, tags = {"@smoke"}) public class RunCucumberIT { } Sample Feature file:- @sampleTest Feature: Testing the website navigation Scenario: Navigate to the the site1 Given I click on the URL Then I navigate to the site @smoke Scenario: Navigate to bbc1 Given I navigate to the url Then I am able to view the news And I set the below sys property and run from command line:- mvn clean verify -DCucumber.filter.tags="@sampleTest" But it just ignores '@sampleTest' tag and runs the second scenario which has the @smoke tag which is in the runner, but that's not what I want as I need to run the features with its own tags from command line. I know it is possible, but I have no idea why it doesn't work.. I use Cucumber 5.0.0 and Junit 4.12.. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks1.7KViews0likes0CommentsPush result status on CucumberStudio
Hi folks! Some CucumberStudio users execute the hiptest-publisher command line to push the generated test results file(s) to CucumberStudio test run and it doesn’t work, so no tests are imported in CucumberStudio and the statuses are not updated. In general, the problem is caused by the missing of UIDs in the test results of the file(s). Let’s summarize together the handling! From your test run, click on "Automate" option: In the open modal, you'll see there are 3 suggested command lines. The first one allows the hiptest-publisher installation through Ruby on your machine or CI/CD, the second one is to update your tests and fetch UIDs, and the last one is dedicated to push the test results file(s) after selecting the right report format. Let’s push the test results file(s) to CucumberStudio by following the steps: 1. Update your tests and fetch UIDs, extract only your features without overridden the Actionwords file, via this command line: hiptest-publisher --config-file <path to your config file> --test-run-id <your test run ID> --without=actionwords The UIDs allow our system to match the existing tests in the report file(s) and those in your CucumberStudio test run. 2. Run the tests to generate your report file and automatically transpose the UIDs in your report files. 3. After selecting your report format, execute the last command line to push your test results file, with: hiptest-publisher --config-file <path to your config file> --push <path to your results file> --test-run-id <your test run ID> --push-format cucumber-json Here are some resources about automation in CucumberStudio: Set up your CI/CD tool: Documentation: Hope this helps!1.9KViews1like0Comments