Folderwise test case Management in JIRA in Zephyr Squad?
We Want to organize test cases in folders so that it is easy to visualize all test cases in a product by features they test. I Explored Create Cycle/Folder in Tests Tab, but unable to create a Folder on Parent level. Is this feature not available in Zephyr Squad? E.g., <Project> |_ <Feature1> | |_<TC1> | |_<TC2> |_ <Feature2> |_<TC1> |_<TC2>784Views0likes0CommentsJIRA-Zephyr BDD testcase naming consistent with ZE Vortex automation.
Probelm Statement : There is test case name inconsistency between JIRA BDD plugin and ZE Vortex automation. In case if a scenario has 2 Examples table rows, then JIRA BDD plugin will create 2 test cases with identical test names, e.g. "scenario" and "scenario". While in case if test cases are being created through Vortex for the same type of scenario, they will have different names, e.g. "scenario" and "scenario 2". For Cucumber 7 which we are using right now in our framework, here is the naming conventions: “Scenario - Example #1.1”, “Scenario - Example #1.2”, etc. Previous version of JIRA BDD Plugin, it was creating test cases for all Examples table rows with the SAME name, which was inconstant with how Cucumber default JUnit report was doing, which was giving some indexing to each test case name. Due to this , when we are executing BDD testcase created (containing exdample tables) from JIRA using zephyr, results being attched to same testcase . Current and expected testcase naming snapshots are attched Reference : Case #00535844: Test Case name inconsistencies between JIRA BDD Plugin and Vortex automation