Managing Execution Plan with Scripts
Hi everyone, For projects with a large number of scripts (e.g., ~100 or more), manually adding and configuring them in the Execution Plan can be a time-consuming and tedious process. The ability to manage the Execution Plan directly from the script would greatly simplify this task and improve overall efficiency. Description: Add the ability to access the Execution Plan directly from the script, and provide controls to shift the execution plan up, down, left, or right. Also, allow updating of the "On exception" and "On error" settings from within the script. Rationale: This would give users more control and flexibility in managing the test execution flow, making it easier to optimize and maintain complex test suites. Best regards görenekliAdd .MD (markdown file) support
I would like to be able to define a simple README.MD file (or whatever.MD) in a project or folder location in a project to provide documentation for other developers and/or future me. Currently I have to use a script file to do this and I don't like creating empty script files just to provide myself with module-level documentation.Github Copilot Integration
GitHub Copilot suggests code completions as developers type and turns natural language prompts into coding suggestions based on the project's context and style conventions. One new idea would be having a copilot plugin for testcomplete would increase productivity and coding efficiency URL for reference - for Enhanced Command Line Option to Generate Single HTML Log File in TestExecute/TestCmplete
Hi, when we use the following command line: "C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\SmartBear\TestExecute 15\x64\Bin\TestExecute.exe" "C:\Users\USridhar\Documents\TestComplete15 Projects\ProjectSuite3\ProjectSuite3.pjs" /run /p:TestProject1 /exportLog:"E:\Testing\Test6.html" /e We are receiving multiple .html files, but we need only a single HTML file named Test6.html. We prefer not to use .mht files as they are not compatible with Chrome and Firefox.53Views0likes1CommentGitHub Copilot integration with TestComplete
Hi team, in the current world, the programmers are using Stack overflow to find code snippets for simple problems, and git hub has a feature called Copilot,which we can use to suggest the code sample which works like a suggestion dropdown when we use some testcomplete methods, it would be great if we create any kind of plugin or some functionality which can do the above mechanism to make our work easier. Thanks and Regards, Sathish Kumar K961Views3likes2CommentsA real-time indicator showing which method of which class we are currently in
Hello everyone, I have scripts that contain many classes that are based on the same base class. So I often have the same method in my script for each class and, not having a view of my current position, I get lost. I'd like to see which class I'm in in real time. The two components that could meet this need are the Code Explorer panel and the Code Selector. If either of them could have an option to be enabled or disabled to be refreshed in real time relative to the current cursor position, that would be ideal.83Views0likes0CommentsLog Folder Items, Set the Icon while inside the stack (or auto detect on some hiearchy)
I thought this should just be a feature already and I posted asking for help to get it to work. The log folders are real nice for cleaning up the logs but they only change Icon's if the Folder contains an Error or a Warning. I want LogFolders to show a green if it contains a checkpoint. A common sense order of importance Error > Warning > Checkpoint > Message. Instead it's showing Error > Warning > Message. I think it should even auto detect based on the Log item's priority that has been set. Or just a method to hit ie, Log.CurrentStack(iconWarning, priorityHigh); function TestScriptLog() { Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Error"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Warning("Warning in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Error("Error in Folder","",pmHighest); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Error"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder"); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder"); Log.Warning("Warning in Folder"); Log.Error("Error in Folder"); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Warning"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Warning("Warning in Folder","",pmHighest); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Warning"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder"); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder"); Log.Warning("Warning in Folder"); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Checkpoint"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder","",pmHighest); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Checkpoint"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder"); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder"); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Informational"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmHighest); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Informational"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder"); Log.PopLogFolder(); }