Azure DevOps Advanced Integration Options
Azure DevOps seems to be a popular option these days. Please consider adding the following as a feature in the near future. 1. Post Bugs from Test complete to Azure DevOps 2. Post Work Item from TestComplete to Azure DevOps 3. Upload Test Plan from TestComplete to ADO.680Views9likes0CommentsTestComplete plugin on VS Code
I like Testcomplete and all it's features, however, when needing to write code it is a bit of a pain (intellisense, styling, code completion, indenting, etc., all do not work well). Instead of coding in Testcomplete, can we add support in VS Code for development and execution? Still have it tied to the license and no need for namemapping, at least not right away, so we can take advantage of a smoother ide. I currently use python with TestComplete.609Views8likes0CommentsModify scripts with external editors
I am writing and changing my scripts in my favorite (external) editor. But when I want to use the script in the TestComplete UI, I always get the same pop up as attached. And always I have to confirm. I understand that TestComplete does this, but can we have the option circled as attached?619Views3likes0CommentsPlease do not remove JScript support in near or far future
I keep seeing functionality deprecated and hidden. My company pays\renews because of what TestComplete provides per our automation needs. Please do some serious polling among your clients and not the norm on the internet before affecting TestComplete functionality.553Views3likes0CommentsNameMapping and Alias copy - copy path
It would be nice if you can copy the complete name mapping path from the namemapping from the Mapping Abjects or Aliases screens I am investigating NameMapping,I have one screen open with the name mapping and one screen with my script You have Mapped objects and you can easily create an Alias by dragging. It would be nice if you can right-click the desired map (in Maps or Aliases) and copy the path for pasting into your script this could even be drag and drop into your script i.e. NameMapping.Sys.notepad.dlgSaveAs.DUIViewWndClassName.Explorer_Pane.CtrlNotifySink.ShellView.Items_View.test_complete_test_notepad_save_txt.Name being able to copy this complete String WITHOUT having to highlight it all - will make the system a little more intuitive666Views2likes0CommentsBetter Refactoring Capabilities in Scripts
The following capabilities are missing in scripting for TestComplete: 1. Changing of namemapping should also update any references inside scripts not just KeywordTests - What I do now is use an external text editor to look for references to Aliases.browser.pageX and change it to Aliaes.browser.pageY 2. Changing the name of a method/sub/function in a script or the script name should update all references used in KeywordTests - Right now if you change a function's name the references done by Keyword tests still use the old name thus causing exceptions during runtime569Views2likes0CommentsLog Folder Items, Set the Icon while inside the stack (or auto detect on some hiearchy)
I thought this should just be a feature already and I posted asking for help to get it to work. The log folders are real nice for cleaning up the logs but they only change Icon's if the Folder contains an Error or a Warning. I want LogFolders to show a green if it contains a checkpoint. A common sense order of importance Error > Warning > Checkpoint > Message. Instead it's showing Error > Warning > Message. I think it should even auto detect based on the Log item's priority that has been set. Or just a method to hit ie, Log.CurrentStack(iconWarning, priorityHigh); function TestScriptLog() { Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Error"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Warning("Warning in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Error("Error in Folder","",pmHighest); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Error"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder"); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder"); Log.Warning("Warning in Folder"); Log.Error("Error in Folder"); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Warning"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Warning("Warning in Folder","",pmHighest); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Warning"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder"); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder"); Log.Warning("Warning in Folder"); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Checkpoint"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmNormal); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder","",pmHighest); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Checkpoint"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder"); Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder"); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Informational"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmHighest); Log.PopLogFolder(); Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Informational"); Log.Message("Informational in Folder"); Log.PopLogFolder(); }Github Copilot Integration
GitHub Copilot suggests code completions as developers type and turns natural language prompts into coding suggestions based on the project's context and style conventions. One new idea would be having a copilot plugin for testcomplete would increase productivity and coding efficiency URL for reference -