include assignee from defects in action report or at least on reports
We utilize the assignee field on defects to drive action items. However, we have not been able to find a way that this is communicated in any method outside of the actual review. Having this on the home page and/or notification activity (tray, in app, email) would help to expedite action.1.3KViews0likes4CommentsCollaborator Review Time Tracking Metric Accuracy
Currently the time spent on a review is accrued by the following: "The license will remain assigned to the user for as long as there is a Collaborator tab open in the browser. The license will be returned to the pool once all Collaborator tabs are closed, and one hour has passed." This leads to inaccurately high review times if a user leaves the Collaborator review open in an inactive tab. These inflated review times incorrectly skew the time-based metrics, almost rendering them useless. One idea to combat this would be to have an inactivity timer built in to the review to make sure time is calculated as accurately as possible.693Views0likes0CommentsDetailed report extracting review note and associated code line(s)
We are investigating to which extent it would be possible to automate reviews partly by using AI. To that end we need an ability to extract (across a collection of reviews) review comments and the associated code line(s). The output could for example be in an Excel file. We have not been able to find this ability in the standard reporting tool, but we believe that this feature would also be usable in other use cases where you would like to analyse your reviews and find patterns.893Views2likes0CommentsMy team needs the ability to add a custom template field to a defect report
My team needs the ability to add a custom template field to a defect report. The options that's been suggested to me by SmartBear support was that a custom SQL report would meet this need. Adding the option to do this within Collaborator would be a big improvement. In my case, I only need 1 custom field from the template to be able to filter the defect list as needed.1.6KViews0likes0CommentsLog all activities of users and admins in Collaborator
In a Large enterprise there will be multiple admins. To track who has done what, Admin should be able to get the log of all users activities. Like, Disabling and Enabling review templates, Disabling and enabling users or adding users etc. In simple terms a log should be generated for every activity happens in Collaborator through all the ways. ex: GUI, API, Collab client, Thirdpart clients, Commands etc.982Views1like0CommentsProvide a way to filter by Review Custom Fields in Defect reports
I have a Reveiw Custom Field named Project. I would like a Customizable Defect Report where I can filter using the Project field. I do not want to use Groups to achieve this (as was suggested by a sales representative).5KViews2likes1Comment