include assignee from defects in action report or at least on reports
We utilize the assignee field on defects to drive action items. However, we have not been able to find a way that this is communicated in any method outside of the actual review. Having this on the home page and/or notification activity (tray, in app, email) would help to expedite action.1.3KViews0likes4CommentsCollaborator issues displaying Excel xlsx documents
Hi everyone, Has anyone run into any issues with Collaborator only partially displaying .xlsx documents? Our environment uses the web client and when reviewing these documents, portions of the document are cut off. Does Collaborator only import cells with data in them? Are there any known issues with Collaborator and excel?564Views0likes0Commentsget export of report programatically
I'm part of a team that collects metrics for our company and we've been asked to integrate with Collaborator. When I run the All Defects report from the web, this is the URL that's displayed:" We've been having a lot of trouble figuring out how to get this report through the json api. Is this possible? Is there another way to do it? Thanks770Views0likes1CommentFinding all reviews that have an artifact in them
Hi. I'm trying to use the REST API to find all reviews that have a particular artifact in them. If I use the command-line client to get the review in XML format, I'm looking for the string that is in the <artifacts> section, in <artifact>, then <path>. But basically, I'd be happy if I could search by the full path of the artifact and get all reviews that have string in the Artifacts (or the "review materials" - "changes from Git"). I'd further like to reduce it to reviews that match a string in the custom field. I've searched through the documentation but so far have not been able to find anything that lets me do this programmatically. I know I can do it from the web GUI but I really need to have my program be able to ask Collaborator for the reviews that match this criteria. Is there any way to do this? Even if the list is a bit overly broad I can get each review and search it but I'm trying to reduce the number of reviews I ask for as that is a very time-consuming task. Thanks... Brian581Views0likes0CommentsCollaborator Comment Pin Location - What are the units?
collab.exe admin review-xml <review#> returns an xml structure that includes the comments. Part of the response looks like this: <location type="Coordinate"> <page>4</page> <pinNumber>3</pinNumber> <x>1030</x> <y>669</y> </location> What are the units of the X and Y coordinates?648Views0likes0Comments