Ready API Chinese Characters Testing in Request Payload
Dear Community Team members, We are requirement to test - Need to pass First name and Last name fields in Chinese or any other language. In ready API, when are passing these values in Chinese, we are seeing under tab ???? instead of chinese characters. FYI, I am passing content-type as "application/json;charset=UTF-8" and content-language - zh-CN. Any recommendations please?13Views0likes0CommentsHow to disable "autocorrect/autofill" on SOAP requests
Using ReadyAPI to do a data driven test against a SOAP API. On each iteration, putting XML in the values for a properties test step. This is so that we can have some tests with missing elements, or other structural options. Using a placeholder in the SOAP request to grab those property values (see image). Whenever I save the project, ReadyAPI goes into my request, sees missing elements (because the placeholder puts them there during runtime) and "helps" me by shoving empty element tags in there for schema compliance. Next time I run the test, it fails because of extra tags... I have to remember to go into the request and delete the extra tags. One day I may forget and raise an embarrassing defect. Main Question: Is there a way to disable this "help" that keeps making things more complicated? (please support negative test cases - they're critical for robust testing) Thanks76Views0likes0CommentsReadyAPI REST Raw Request is truncated in UI
Is there any limit on the number of characters that can be displayed in the ReadyAPI Request(Raw) UI ? My request is not displayed completely. I am able to see the Raw Request if its below 400 lines. But if i add up more json input in my request, the RAW tab is not displaying the complete content of my Json Request. Is there a way to set/configure the number of characters that can be displayed in the UI ? or how to see my complete request that is sent ?Solved287Views0likes1CommentAutomatic cancellation of a test case run
I encountered a problem with readyAPI, if I try to run a complete testcase I cannot do this, the run operation is automatically canceled, but if I try to run a step-by-step testcase it works. What could be the problem that cause this? I mention that I started having this problem after setting up more environments to run tests. Thank you!962Views0likes5CommentsChange API request link to test step -Groovy
Hi I am using ReadyAPI and already define Testsuite > TestCase > TestSteps in some cases , i need to change API Request link of some of test steps to another API , in this case I do it manually, by click on chain icon and open page "Link REST Request" in every test steps abd it is time consuming activity. Just wondering if there is any Groovy script to help to me to have bulk update of whole test steps in a test case to save time 🙂282Views0likes0CommentsHow can I interrupt a JDBC query
I am using JDBC as datasource queries and usually return a limited number of rows (say customer IDs) for testing. In a couple of cases, after editing a query and re-running the test, I found that I accidentally commented out the limiting clause (say in DB2: Order by rand() fetch first 400 rows only) of my first CTE so the query is selecting every single customerId in the database and it takes forever to return any results! Is there a way in ReadyAPI (I'm using Ver 3.45.0) to somehow close the connection and interrupt the query, or stop/cancel the test? I've been closing ReadyAPI but this seems to be a bit extreme...685Views0likes7Comments[Composite projects] If a suite is cloned, the initial suite is deleted
It's an issue I think starting from ReadyAPI 3.44.0. When a testSuite is cloned in a composite project, it's created a new testSuite but the old one is removed.   I need to go manually and edit element.order and project.content files in order to keep both of them.301Views0likes1Commentproblem with SOAPUI when i send request with attribut containt character &&
Hi, I use SOAPUI for testing SOAP service . in the header of my request, I have the attribute Password with character & example <wsse:Password Type="">111&525</wsse:Password> when I run the request I get 400 Bad Reques how i can solve this problem. Thank you .332Views0likes0CommentsSQL editor does not scroll in ReadyAPI 3.43.1
Hi, I just updated my ReadyAPI to the latest version 3.43.1. Now I lost the ability to mouse-wheel-scroll, page Up/Down, arrow up/down and go to the end of any SQL scripts displayed in the SQL editor of Data Source test steps. The only way to modify an SQL script is to Select all: Ctrl+A, copy: C trl+C then paste it in another SQL editor, edit it and copy it back. The ReadyAPI SQL editor is already very restrictive as it only shows a few lines and you can't even make the editing box bigger. Now it's completely useless! Anybody else has this issue?331Views0likes0CommentsPUT request works in POSTMAN but in ReadyAPI it thows "500 server error"
Hi mates, I am struggling with some weird issue. When try to hit PUT request it works well in postman but it throws 500 server error in Ready API(3.41.1). End point: Resource: /api/validate/update/00676123 Content-Type: application/json Header passed: client_id and client_secret. When I send the same thing in ReadyAPI it is throwing me "500 server error". I have automated many GET and POST REST APIs, never faced any such kind of issue. I am trying PUT for the fist time in ReadyAPI. Appreciate any help.1.3KViews0likes3Comments