While I am writing test cases. At the time of testing I am facing an issue.
Hi all. Below is my test case code in bdd python. So here I have written the test cases and everything is working fine But i am facing an issue with this error 1. selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element not interactable (Session info: chrome=94.0.4606.54) *here is my code* *.test.feature* ``` Feature: Vikreya login Scenario: Login to vikreya with valid parameter: Given I launch chrome browser When i open vikreya web page And click on login button And enter username "aalamkazi24@gmail.com" and password "aalam@123A" And click on submit button Then user successfully login to the web site ``` *test.py* ``` from behave import * from selenium import webdriver @given('I launch chrome browser') def launch_Browser(context): context.driver = webdriver.Chrome() @when('i open vikreya web page') def open_vikreya(context): context.driver.get("") @when('click on login button') def click_login_btn(context): context.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//body/div[1]/div[3]/button[1]").click() @when('enter username "{user}" and password "{pwd}"') def input_validate(context, user, pwd): context.driver.find_element_by_id("asadSalima").send_keys(user); context.driver.find_element_by_id("asadAlam").send_keys(pwd); @when('click on submit button') def click_submit(context): context.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[contains(text(),'Log In')]").click() @then('user successfully login to the web site') def success_lunch(context): text = context.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Welcome back! Alam')]").text assert text == "Welcome back! Alam" ```957Views0likes1CommentUnable to connect to TestComplete
Hello All, I have created build on AzureDevops for TestComplete. When I run build I'm getting this error. Any idea how to fix it ? 2021-10-08T14:22:55.3900080Z ##[error]Failed to get a list of tests from the "C:\agent\_work\r1\a\_TestProject\SimpleTest.pjs" file due to the following error: Unable to connect to TestComplete: Server execution failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80080005 (CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE))1.2KViews0likes2CommentsBDD BeforeStep & AfterStep Hooks
Hi, I wanted to perform certain steps after every step execution of the BDD scenario. In specflow there were hooks for Before and After step but I am unable to find the same here. So, would like to know if there is anyways to get the current step name during execution which then I can pass to another method.834Views0likes1CommentBDD: read information given in feature file
Hi everyone; Small question: I am writing tests for our program and in every Feature File I write pre-conditions necessary before running the tests. These pre-conditions are just written as information for the people reading the tests so it is not really a restriction to TestComplete. Now I was wondering if there was any way to make TestComplete read these pre-conditions before running the feature file so I can also print them in the Log Messages? My example: Feature: Adding a field Any user should be able to add a field If errors occur, corresponding messages should be shown Precondition: IE0001 completed Background: Given the project centre is open Meaning the actual first test to run is the Background one The pre-condition is just written in text but I'd like to read that in the 'beforeFeature' function used in BDD to print it in the Logs. Anyone that can help?Solved984Views0likes1CommentFilter on tag of scenario outline example
Hello guys, A (hopefully) quick question for you: I am trying to use the BDDHooks file to print the time needed for running 1 scenario into an excel file. This is all working perfectly but the problem is I am using a couple of scenario outlines with different examples and I split the examples into different blocks to all give them their own tag (@smoke and @happyUnhappy eg). Now my goal is to only print the timing of the one example with the tag '@smoke' but I cannot seem to find a way to filter by example tag. I know there's this page https://support.smartbear.com/testcomplete/docs/bdd/tags.html which explains how to get all tags of a certain feature or scenario but there's none to get the tags from a scenario outline. I only seem to be able to retrieve the tags for the entire outline and not for 1 example. eg; I only need to save the time for the example with @smoke on top: @smoke Examples: |a|b|c| |1|2|3| @happyUnhappe Examples: |d|e|f| |4|5|6| I hope you guys understand and you can help me in my search 🙂 Thanks!Solved1.8KViews1like3CommentsGet Tags associated Scenario Outline Examples programatically
Hi, Just like we can get the tags associated with a feature file inside a beforeFeature hook like "Feature.Tags.item(0)" or the tags linked with a scenario in a beforeScenario hook "Scenario.Tags.item(0)", Is it also possible to retrieve the tags associated with a Scenario Outline Example? Let's say I have a feature file as shown below: @Login Feature: AppLogin Scenario Outline: As a user, I should be able to login to XYZ application When user launches the application Then login screen should get displayed When user enters "<username>" And user enters "<password>" And user clicks on login button Then user should be able to see main screen @admin @level1 Examples: |username|password| |adm1 |paxxword| @supervisor @level1 Examples: |username|password| |sup1 |paxxword| @manager @level2 Examples: |username|password| |mgr1 |paxxword| @employee @level2 Examples: |username|password| |emp1 |paxxword| Now, if I run the above scenario for Level1 users i.e. by using the tag @level1, how do I know If the current scenario is being executed for the admin or supervisor? Somehow, I need to retrieve the value of the 1st tag associated with the Examples. Maybe something like Example.tags.item(0) but such an object does not exist in testcomplete? Can any one please help?687Views0likes2CommentsTestComplete Best Practices
Hi folks, I was wondering if any of you have Best Practices that you follow for TestComplete and testing in general. Such as the Hierarchy or Logical Grouping of your folders, (Project_Suite > Project > Sub Project etc), and Regression testing, Name Mapping, Scripting, Keyword Tests, DDT, BDD, Version Control (SVN, Git) and anything else you might have created over time for Best Practices. We're basically creating a QA/QC dept. from the ground up and are looking for the voices of experience...and reason. Thank you in advance for all of your help.Solved1.9KViews0likes2CommentsThe Secrets of Successful Collaboration - BDD
Hi our BDD TestComplete users, I want to share with you a great webinar presented by Seb Rose, developer, trainer, coach and author of "Discovery - Explore behavior using examples". Seb reveals the secrets of successful collaboration in BDD. >> Request the webinar here What do you think about this approach? How does the testing process set up in your organization at the moment?Solved3.5KViews2likes5Comments