ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: How to update / refresh / change a wsdl to an existing services in serviceV pro? Yes, I amusing SoapUI Open Source tool for my testing. Thanks Re: How to update / refresh / change a wsdl to an existing services in serviceV pro? HiVallalarasu, I have license only to serviceV pro and not for SOAPUI Pro, so in that case how can I update the wsdl? Thanks Senthil. M Re: Transfer values from one service to another services ? Thanks Alex, for your explaination, my query here is Service1 send a request and gets the response, but the values of service1 response need to be transfered to service2 response and sometime to service2 request also. is this doable in serviceV pro. Thanks Senthil. M Re: Transfer values from one service to another services ? Hi Alex, I have 2 services, Now I want the value of Customer Number from Servcie 1- ABCD interface response. So, I can use them in createsomething interface resposne ofServcie 2. Is that posible to capture and transfer the valuesfrom one service to another services ? Thanks Senthil. M Transfer values from one service to another services ? Hi Team, I have a requirement where I need to send the values of one servcies to another or all services. Thanks Senthil. M Re: Need to find the datediff for the below code? Hi Rao, Thanks for the update, I tried with the code you gave a made small change as per my requirement. I now do not see any error. But not able to see the data in the application. Will debug with developer and track where the issue is. Will get back to you if I face ant issues. Thanks a lot for your support. Thanks Senthil. M Re: Need to find the datediff for the below code? Hi Rao, I want to find the date difference to send my response. Should I add any .jar files to work on date format ? If so, Can you provide the link plz. Though the FromDate and ToDate is parsed it's still showing as string, due to that I am not able to do a datediff. I have spent 2 days on this to resolve. Could you help me here. def Fromdate = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.000+11:00", FromDate).format('yyyy-MM-dd') def Todate = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.000+11:00", ToDate).format('yyyy-MM-dd') def intValue = Todate - Fromdate def Nofodays = intValue.toInteger() if ((Nofodays >=8 ) || (Nofodays <= 15)) { return "Fortnight" } else if ((Nofodays >=16 ) || (Nofodays <= 31)) { return "Month" } Thanks Senthil. M Re: Need to find the datediff for the below code? Thanks Mate, I was able to resolve the older problem. But now I have another problem. What could be the issue for the below error? I am not able to convert string date to date format, even though I have paresd. def Fromdate = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.000+11:00", FromDate).format('yyyy-MM-dd') def Todate = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.000+11:00", ToDate).format('yyyy-MM-dd') def intValue = Todate.minus(Fromdate) Is this the correct formate to find the datediff? def Nofodays = intValue.toInteger() Error:Failed to dispatch using script; java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2020-02-19" Thanks Senthil. M Need to find the datediff for the below code? Hi Team, I have a requirement where I need to get the FromDate and ToDate form the incomming request and find the datediff to send the response. I have pasted the below code, could you guide me in finding the datediff ? def groovyUtils = new def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(mockRequest.requestContent) def FromDate = holder.getNodeValue("declare namespace ns='';//ns:getTransactionList/msgGetTransactionListRequest/SearchCriteria/DateRange/FromDate") def ToDate = holder.getNodeValue("declare namespace ns='';//ns:getTransactionList/msgGetTransactionListRequest/SearchCriteria/DateRange/ToDate") def Fromdate = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.000+11:00", FromDate).format('yyyy-MM-dd') def Todate = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.000+11:00", ToDate).format('yyyy-MM-dd') def intValue = Todate.minus(Fromdate) Is this the correct formate to find the datediff? def Nofodays = intValue.toInteger() Error:Failed to dispatch using script; java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2020-02-19" Based on NoofDay I need to send the Resposne: 1. return Weekly, 2. return Fortnight, 3. return Month, 4. return Year, Thanks Senthil. M SolvedConvert string date to date format? Hi Team, I need to convert the string date to date format. So, I can do a datediff, which is little urgent for me to fix this. Based on thedatediff I need to send the response. The below code is not working. def getDate = "2020-02-12T00:00:00.000+11:00" def getFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd" def dDate = new Date().parse(getFormat, getDate) def getdDate = dDate.format(getFormat) getdDate def today = new Date() today.format("yyyy-MM-dd") today - getdDate Thanks Senthil. M Solved