Hi Rao,
I want to find the date difference to send my response. Should I add any .jar files to work on date format ?
If so, Can you provide the link plz.
Though the FromDate and ToDate is parsed it's still showing as string, due to that I am not able to do a datediff.
I have spent 2 days on this to resolve. Could you help me here.
def Fromdate = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.000+11:00", FromDate).format('yyyy-MM-dd')
def Todate = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.000+11:00", ToDate).format('yyyy-MM-dd')
def intValue = Todate - Fromdate
def Nofodays = intValue.toInteger()
if ((Nofodays >=8 ) || (Nofodays <= 15))
return "Fortnight"
else if ((Nofodays >=16 ) || (Nofodays <= 31))
return "Month"
Senthil. M