ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Allow bulk change for source & property on the assertion test step My use of the word bulk may have been a little misleading. My request is to be able to the source and property for multiple assertions at the same time. If you have an assertion test step with 20 assertions and you want to change 10 of them to use a different source; you will have to update each of them individually. Well it is possible to do this by updating the XML it would still require to update one property at a time. Enable "Get Data" option for prepared properties on JDBC test steps The "Get Data" dialog does not display when you right click in the prepared properties on a JDBC data source test step. You either have to type out the property you want to use or copy it somewhere else. Currently on ReadyAPI 3.0.0 Allow bulk change for source & property on the assertion test step When using the assertion test step you can highlight multiple verifications and select "Change Source and Property". After you make your changes and select OK only the first verification is updated. Allowing bulk change of these properties will save a lot of time if you need to point your assertions to a different request. I am currently on ReadyAPI 3.0.0 Re: SOAPUI Error by Compilation Change: def newAddxml=xmlAdd.getxml(); To: def newAddxml=xmlAdd.getXml(); The last X should be capitalized. Re: ERROR: An error occurred [java.lang.ClassCastException] Do you have the whole error message or know what line the error occured on? I have not been able to try it but by guess is that the error is coming from i<=ItemCountResponse in the for loop. My guess is that ItemCountResponse is not an numeric value. What value do you get if you output ItemCountResponse without the .toString() ? Also, you dont need to define the variable i before you use it in the for loop. The variable is declared when you do for(i=0; Re: How to add Groovy Scripts to data source You can place this in a properties step or use it in a request. It will return tomorrows date in YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm format. ${=import java.text.SimpleDateFormat ; new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm").format(new Date()+1)} If you would like to use a different date format this doc should be helpful. Re: Is it possible to get Data Sink to write output to excel file horizontally and not vertically? As richie has said there is no built in option to do this. Depending on what you plan to do with the spreadsheet I can think of 2 ways that might work. I have not tried either one so I cant guarantee they will work, but it should be a step in the right direction. The first option is to use the transpose function built into excel. I think you should be able to write the data to one worksheet and use the transpose funtion in another worksheet to flip the data. I'm not sure what versions support this so you might have to see if this will work for the version you are using. The other option is to use groovy. You can read the data from the data sink and then write the data to the next column. I tried doing something similar to this some time ago but scrapped the idea because of how long it took to read and write from a excel file. If you go this route you will need to download the jxl jar and add it to bin/ext. Re: How to Set or Get "Test Step" Properties from another Test Case. This will work if both of your test cases are in the same test suite. If they are in different test suites then you will need to define what suite you are working with. def tCase = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getTestCaseByName("Global") def tStep = tCase.getTestStepByName("Global Properties") tStep.setPropertyValue("Property Name", "newValue") If you wont need to reuse the test case or test step property then you can do it all in one line. testRunner.testCase.testSuite.getTestCaseByName("Global").getTestStepByName("Global Properties").setPropertyValue("Property Name", "newValue") Re: Get total DataSource rows incorrect I started looking into this a little more and figured out a few things. It looks like value of row count does not read directly from the data source. It only looks at how many rows have been read from the datasource for the current iteration. If you were to set the datasource option "Rows Per Iteration" to 2 then your script to get row count will always be 2 (unless there is only one row left). I was not able to find a method that would get the total row count so I wrote a script to count them all up. I recommend you run this in a script step before your data source. def tStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("DataSource") def data = tStep.getDataSource() //run the datasource test step data.prepare(testRunner,context,data.getPreparedProperties() ),context) //loop through the file until the end is reached def cnt = 1 while(data.isExhausted() == false) {,context,data.getPreparedProperties() ) cnt++ } return cnt There might be a better way to do this and I would be courious to see if anyone else knows of a simplier way to get the total row count. Re: Get total DataSource rows incorrect Were you running that script as part of a test case when the row count returned one, or did you run the script by itself? If you are running that script outside of a test case you need to preload all the data into the data source. To do that run the datasource by itself and set the max number of rows to 0. The command you have is correct, I verified it by running it against a data source and it returned the correct count of all the rows.