ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Updating Test Step details of a Run item in QAComplete with API triggered from Testcomplete Script If I have understood correct, all you have to do is to update the Run status of a test set represented by a TestRunId in QA Complete. To my knowledge, it can be done simply with the TestRunId. You can see the object StatusCode. You can update the status with SOAP Request and send it to the QA Complete API with any of the per-defined values like Awaiting Run – The step is not performed yet. Passed – The step is performed successfully. Failed – The step is failed. Blocked – The step cannot be performed, because one of the previous critical steps failed. This should do the trick. And, if you still need to know the TestReslutId, the Test Result Id corresponds to each TestCase (TestRunItem) in a Test Run. You can use the TestRunItemId and retrieve the TestRunResultId. TestRunItemId can be retreived with the TestRunId. With LoadByCriteria, it will return an array of values that are present in the Test Set represented by the TestRunId. I can elaborate further if you still have any doubts. Re: Updating Test Step details of a Run item in QAComplete with API triggered from Testcomplete Script Nastya_KhovrinaThanks for the Reply. The issue is solved now. I did however use the same PIS suggested by you. The gap was identified as I was trying to update all the steps in a test cases at the same instant, which later I realized as illogical !!! Thanks for your time ! :) Updating Test Step details of a Run item in QAComplete with API triggered from Testcomplete Script I am using TestComplete Project with Python language for Running my automated scripts. With this I am triggering a Run with the test set ID in QAComplete and fetching the Test Run details and carrying on my execution. After the completion, i can update the entire test item (test case) as per link which in turn passes all the test steps and updates the status of the entire run as well. But, I now require to do the following with the test steps which I have no progress so far, 1) Updating the passed test steps with screenshots I could see no classification of the object attachment for each step (Which is possible of course manually) in the provided API doc. 2) When a test step fails, I have to fail that particular step alone, instead of failing the entire case, which in turn fails all the steps within it. For updating the status of the test step, i found the link but in this when i try to load the xml of a test run item (test case) I cannot fetch the tag of Actual Results, "<actualresults></actualresults>" in the response received. However, if i try to manipulate the xml manually and send it as a request, the API accepts it and gives out a 200 response, but no changes are reflected in the QAComplete run status. I have a feeling that am missing something, but not sure what it is. So looking for help from you Experts Thanks in advance. PS: Happy to share any additional info required to solve the issue. SolvedRe: sending REST request with parameterised (JSON) data by testcomplete for testing NisHeraColin_McCraeAlexKaraskevin_kapell Thanks for the reply. NisHera I do have imported the required libraries earlier but I am getting a timeout error. Is it ok if I ask for the code samples for how you are handling your request and response from the URLs ? As I am also working on REST I hope that will be a great help Thanks All sending REST request with parameterised (JSON) data by testcomplete for testing With TestComplete, I would like to send a parameterised JSON Request (probably with a different method each time. (FYI, am dealing with REST apis) What could I possibly require to achieve this ? and How to do this with just the python scripting ? If that is not feasible, how to perform the same with the integration of SOAPUI. Re: How to convert XML file to WSDL file? Hi I am now facing a similar issue. Am looking forward to automating the testing of a web service.(I am currently on the initial stages of the project) But as of now all I have is an xml file. Am expecting to have similar xml files throughout the project. But when I try to create a project with this xml file, SoapUI NG is not allowing it, It asks for a WSDL file of an WADL. which I do not have (as of now). So what am I supposed to do now ? Is it possible to derive at a WSDL from this XML file ? Or all my understanding in this is wrong ? Am puzzled ! Isnt WSDL and XML are same ? Re: Does JavaBridge in testComplete work on a Python Project ? HKosovaThanks for the link and the trick. It worked well ! , with a little more tweaking. AlexKarasI was actually working on the latest version 2.0.4. Your answer from the other chain helped me a lot. Thanks ! tristaanogreI missed out checking load_2 and 1 as you said. That was so lame of me, as said always "Continuous Learning" isn't ? :P Thanks for pointing it out ! Does JavaBridge in testComplete work on a Python Project ? I am working on a project to test the contents of a pdf file. I was suggested with this URL in my previous question "". Now when I tried it following the steps I got an error stating this "RuntimeError java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch" In this particular code step docObj = JavaClasses.org_apache_pdfbox_pdmodel.PDDocument.load_3(path) Under path I have given the entire path of the file like D:\somepath\filename.pdf Also, I have tried with the following docObj = JavaClasses.org_apache_pdfbox_pdmodel.PDDocument.load_3("D:\somepath\filename.pdf") docObj = JavaClasses.org_apache_pdfbox_pdmodel.PDDocument.load_3("D:\\somepath\\filename.pdf") Need advice SolvedRe: Is it possible for extracting data from a table in a PDF file with python in testcomplete? Isnt this utilize java scripting ? Am currently working in a python project, so am not sure abut using this alone in java . Will it work ? I did run across it on my initial search but I skipped it as it said it is handled with java classes ! Kindly bare if its a lame question but still I am not clear weather I can use this in my project ! Is it possible for extracting data from a table in a PDF file with python in testcomplete? I am automating the fetching of a particular data from several PDF files in a same or similar format. Note : The data lies in a table ; The PDF has images ; Python scripting is preferred ;