ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: How can I include dependencies from an external jar file into a groovy script test step Hm, unfortunately I won't be of much help here asI don't know too much about class loading, but I think the issue is with the JAR itself -- what specific class are you trying to use? Re: How can I include dependencies from an external jar file into a groovy script test step Within ReadyAPI, you can go to Preferences > ReadyAPI, and there is a "Custom Java libraries" section where you can point to JARs and folders, I think this may be what you're looking for. But just to clarify, you want to access classes from the readyapi-maven-plugin JAR in your Groovy scripts? Re: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError with Apache POI Just a heads up, in %READYAPI_HOME%/lib, there ispoi-ooxml-schemas-3.12.jar -- if you are adding a different version to bin/ext, both of these JARs are probably getting added to the classpath and could cause issues. I ran into this same issue with bouncy-castle (specifically bcprov-jdk) -- we needed this dependency to encrypt passwords, so we added it into bin/ext, but we kept getting this strange Arrays.concatenate([B][B][B]) error. After some poking around we realized that there was another version of this same JAR in lib/ and it seemed that when we were calling our encrypt method, it was using the method from this JAR, and not the one we had placed in bin/ext. We simply replaced the version of bouncy-castle in the lib directory with the same version we had in bin/ext and this resolved the issue -- however, I'm pretty sure doing this has the potential to break something in SoapUI if it is relying on a class from a specific version of a JAR and you go and swap it out with a different version, so do this at your own risk. Re: Jenkins does not recognize ReadyApi maven plug-in test failures as unstable build I should clarify, the JUnit plugin will mark the build unstable (not failed) if there are any test failures. Make 'Environments' configuration version-control friendly I'd really like to leverage the Environments feature, but the way in which this information is stored makes it ahuge pain when working with version control.Whenever you add/remove environments, it adds/updates an <environmentSpec> tag to nearly every file in the project, like so: <con:environmentSpec> <con:entry environmentId="be1afc29-0c49-4053-9d51-875611dc4dbc"> <con:authProfile>Inherit From Parent</con:authProfile> </con:entry> </con:environmentSpec> I just tested this using an in-sync copy of our project -- I added a single environment and saved it -- 50 files show as changed -- every single test case XML, all of the XMLs for our endpoints, and settings.xml. Can environment info please be managed in a separate configuration file? Aclean way to modify environments without touching every project file would be ideal. For my project we support different metadata and application configurations on top of different OS and database platforms, so we deal with tons of different environments and the way this is managed makes this feature completely unusable. Re: Jenkins does not recognize ReadyApi maven plug-in test failures as unstable build You are ignoring test failures in your plugin config in this line: <testFailIgnore>true</testFailIgnore> Actually, that's not quite correct, according to the documentation, this property determines if a test will continue running if it encounters an error: Continues the test run even if an assertion triggers. Possible values: true, false. After your test runs, you can use the JUnit plugin to parse the results, and that will pass/fail the build. Re: Suppressing info logging when using a maven plugin Olga_T, can this be made a feature that can be toggled within the SoapUI GUI? Being able to turn this logging on/off from within the application would be a nice feature enhancement. Re: json response is 'plain/text' type. Anyway to change type to 'application/json'? If you don't mind doing assertions through code, you could use JsonSlurper to take the response string and make it into an object like: import groovy.json.JsonSlurper String responseStr = "" // wherever you get the response from def response = new JsonSlurper().parseText(responseStr) // Perform assertions here (just making this stuff up) assert response.employees[0].id == 12345 response.employees.each { assert it.salary > 0 } Provided you're not trying to assert on some crazy complex stuff, this could work. Re: Suppress logging from SoapUIProTestCaseRunner class when running tests command line In Jenkins can you setup a tool configuration for ReadyAPI, then on each slave point it to where ReadyAPI is installed on that machine? If you have an environment variable you can access, you might be able to include your custom soapui-log4j.xml in the project and add an <antrun> task that will copy it over to %READYAPI_HOME%/bin before starting the test. I don't know how you could test this locally because you don't have access to the directories (that is bizarre, btw), but it might work to suppress the logging when running from Jenkins. Re: Suppress logging from SoapUIProTestCaseRunner class when running tests command line I'm honestly not sure that you can, as far as I can tell, ReadyAPI/SoapUI is always going to load soapui-log4j.xml from that directory. When you say you don't have access do you mean you don't know where it is, or you don't have permissions to touch anything in there?