Forum Discussion
Hi Nastya_Khovrina ,
I tried, and 4.0.1 throw an another Exception and all DataSource steps (using excel file) were broken with the same error message as below:
It still only works for .xls.
Why don't Ready API 2.8.0 Pro install lib POI 4.0.1 or working exactly version already instead of 3.12 that somtime not working with .xlsx? Because when I release script Ready API for my customer I can not decide to choose which version for POI lib.
Just a heads up, in %READYAPI_HOME%/lib, there is poi-ooxml-schemas-3.12.jar -- if you are adding a different version to bin/ext, both of these JARs are probably getting added to the classpath and could cause issues.
I ran into this same issue with bouncy-castle (specifically bcprov-jdk) -- we needed this dependency to encrypt passwords, so we added it into bin/ext, but we kept getting this strange Arrays.concatenate([B][B][B]) error. After some poking around we realized that there was another version of this same JAR in lib/ and it seemed that when we were calling our encrypt method, it was using the method from this JAR, and not the one we had placed in bin/ext.
We simply replaced the version of bouncy-castle in the lib directory with the same version we had in bin/ext and this resolved the issue -- however, I'm pretty sure doing this has the potential to break something in SoapUI if it is relying on a class from a specific version of a JAR and you go and swap it out with a different version, so do this at your own risk.
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