ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: React Native support! (revived topic) *super important feature for mobile automation* Have you tried having your devs eject the build and compile it with the PatchServices.jar? Re: React Native support! (revived topic) *super important feature for mobile automation* There isn't any special support like they say because there doesn't have to be. They still get converted to native objects when the app is ejected. I am not sure why they mentioned the tool cannot work with them. I just downloaded the apk here: I am able to see the objects no problem. See attached screenshot (hopefully not blurry). Re: React Native support! (revived topic) *super important feature for mobile automation* Apologies the screenshot came out blurry when uploaded. I'm not sure what the conversation you had with support was, I'm just trying to help get to a resolution because I know I have automated react native applications. Maybe it doesn't support deploying with expo? How are you deploying your app? How is it being built? The object question's view name is even "com.facebook.react.views.view.ReactViewGroup". Re: React Native support! (revived topic) *super important feature for mobile automation* Example of some mapped react native UI. If you see nothing in your object browser then something has to be configured incorrectly. It might to be ejected into an Android Studio project and recompiled with the PatchServices.jar. Re: React Native support! (revived topic) *super important feature for mobile automation* React Native just creates standard objects for your OS, you won't see the react native objects themselves as those go away when compiled to an app. Can you see any objects from the application? If not then there is a misconfiguration somewhere. Re: React Native support! (revived topic) *super important feature for mobile automation* What support is missing for you? I have written several tests over react native applications using test complete. Re: NameMapping - Adding recorded names to my manually mapped objects Can you post full screenshots of all of that? Re: NameMapping - Adding recorded names to my manually mapped objects What are the identification properties for App and AppTest? Re: click method is very slow My guess it that what you are clicking is very far down the object tree and it's taking a while to search for it on execution. Is there a reason you aren't using the name mapping feature to have a more direct path to your object? Re: How can you save disc space with Keyword Testing? KWTs are nothing more than xml files so the disk usage you are seeing are definitely the pictures. They are not needed for any tests to run and are safe to delete or ignore. There is a setting to turn off automateically creating them.