ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Execution failed when Local Computer locked Unless Microsoft has modified the way Remote Desktop works, last time I checked if you're using Remote Desktop to access a system you can't establish ANOTHER Remote Desktop connection to ANOTHER machine. Which means you can't Remote Desktop into MachineC from MachineB when you're already using Remote Desktop to connect to MachineB from MachineA. That being said, the ONLY way I've been able to remotely execute tests is to use some kind of VNC solution to remotely access my test machines. I'm not going to recommend a specificVNC solution at this time. I think I was using RealVNC when I had to do it. You'll have to install a VNC server on the test machines, and use a VNC Viewer on the originating machine. Re: passing variables on FindChild Do you KNOW you have 45 children? There should be a child count property (or something named very similarly) on the parent object, which you can use as the upper limit in your loop. Re: passing variables on FindChild Yes, you can pass in a variable like that to your FindChild method, but what may be happening is you're encountering a child object that doesn't have a State property. You may want to use FindAllChildren (, passing in object properties to limit the search. Re: skip execution of folder depending on the condition I've been in the same situation before. The test items are immutable once you hit the "Run" button. The best thing you can do is code around the tests that may not be able to execute under certain configurations and just put a note in the log stating such. Re: skip execution of folder depending on the condition There's two ways you can do this: 1) turn off the test items you don't want to test before you run the suite. If you have them grouped by folders you can uncheck a folder and none of the tests in that folder will run. 2) write some code in the test item code, which checks for some configuration value and doesn't execute any of the code if the value is set a certain way. Option 1 is much easier, but if you have regulatory reasons for stating "This test case was not executed for reason X" you'll have go with option 2. Re: Error Occurred During The Execution On Test-Execute 12 I have so many questions in order to help you: 1) Is this a new error? Have you ever been able to run your tests using TestExecute? 2) What is the module? If it's a script extension or some other assembly or DLL, you'll need to install it on your TestExecute machines. 3) Are you running TestExecute on the same machines as the ones you develop on, or do you have a test farm? 4) Why are you running different versions? Last time I checked, since you're licensed, there's nothing preventing you from upgrading, and TestComplete isn't going to upgrade your projects for a minor revision upgrade. Re: aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(aqDateTime.Today(),"%U") format is not work properly It's working correctly, it's simply 0-based. Add 1 to your result and you'll get the correct week number. Re: Does TestComplete have a way to verify against coding standards? We've run TestComplete JScript files through Eclipse to do some things, and through Notepad++ in order to run JSLint/JSHint, but we've not been able to do it from within the TestComplete environment. You might be able to write an extension that has a UI that would allow you to run a code analyzer, though. Re: aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(aqDateTime.Today(),"%U") format is not work properly According to this page (, the function returns 0-53 for week numbers. So, the week containing January 1 would be week 0. You're right, we're currently in week 18, but the conversion function will always return one less. Re: Moving Node-locked licenses wrt. floating licenses I would go with option 2. Yes, you can run TestComplete on the License Manager server. Your only problem is going to be actually activating your license, because you'll have to run a utility on the License Manager server to get a file, and then copy that file to another machine with internet access to upload it to SmartBear, which will generate another file to copy back onto the License Manager server. You can do option 3, but option 2 gives you more freedom and less hassle with swapping machines out for the TestComplete licenses, especially with the lack of internet access.