ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Send parameters from Jenkins to TestComplete As a workaround you cancreate a parametrized build Re: Need your vote on the new SmartBear Test Product name! Looks like there was a Visual Studioextension back in the day.. Re: Need your vote on the new SmartBear Test Product name! Missed Turbo. Turbo sounds like a Borland product, so not a great name, With regards to the IDE, our project uses the scripting functionality only. When a developer needs to review or update a test script I have to spend time helping them install the Test Complete IDE, activate licensing and then train them on it. It would be more efficient for us to be able to write / update tests in Visual Studio. Re: Need your vote on the new SmartBear Test Product name! Great to hear we will be freed from the Test Compete IDE! with regards to names here's my two cents. BTW, two of your suggestions partially use the name of 2 big software products (Unity, Fusion). TestComplete Turbo TestComplete Driver - 'Driver' sort of implies software drivers, confusing name. Test InCode - Best of the bunch, Test Fusion - Too close to VMWare Fusion Test Unity - Sounds like a tool for testing Unity projects Re: Results Summarization We do a summary by storing the number of passed and failed tests in project suite variables then using this data in an email notification that is sent by a script triggered by the OnStopTest event. The script that is triggered by the OnStopTest event will only send the email notificaiton if the test executed was the last one in the test run and is part of a test run and not a user executing a single test. We also write logs to a network drive location and link to this location in the email notification so a user can look at full logs if they want. Re: Internet Explorer is becoming non-responsive There was an issue reported with IE 11 recently This didnt help me as I am running version 11, build 11.0.9600.18163, switching off the spellchecker plugin made no difference. I did find that running through the same test steps manually in IE causes the memory usage to balloon as quickly as when running Test Execute, so the issue is in IE or our web app. If anyone has any tips or can point to good online resources for debugging memory issues in IE that would be great. Re: Runtime error on SendMail A quick Google search tells me you need to use authentication on the Google SMTP server, therefore you will need to use CDO as per these instructions: Assuming authentication wasnt required your example still wouldnt work as you didnt include the SMTP server address which is one of the argumnets in the SendMail method. Re: Developping time and time waste Colin_McCraeThats interesting. I hadn't thought of the difference between name mapping and finding objects on the fly. I did away with name mapping and find all my objects on the fly as the test is running. I'd assume finding them on the fly is way more resource intensive. Perhaps this is something SmartBear doesnt even test too much as they seem to encourage users to use namemapping. Re: Developping time and time waste TheGhostI don't understand your suggestion. Perhaps you are sughesting that running on the VM might be the issue and they can try on a desktop too? I'd still suggest adding a script to restart the browser peridocially. If that works then you know you need to start look at resouce consumption as your application runs over time. Re: Internet Explorer is becoming non-responsive I have a very similar issue. We are running our tests in IE11 using TC 11.20 on virtual machines. After about 1 hour into the test run there are a particular set of controls that stop responding. I fixed the issue by writing a small script that logs out of our application, kills all IE processes, then restarts browser and logs in. This script runs about every ten tests in our test run (approximately every 30 minutes). I suspect this is a memory leak issue in IE and or Test Execute but would require some more in depth troubleshooting. I did try running IE developer tools 'Memory' feature to watch memory usage while tests were running in real time and it does climb contunously during my test run and fairly high. I would assume to the point where my application eventually becomes non responsive. I also came accross someone reporting a similar issue with Selenium tests (after a Google search for issue) and they resolved by restarting the browser perididocially so I suspect this may not be an issue exclusive to Test Complete. I have a ticket open with SmartBear but no response yet, perhaps you can also open a ticket if you havent done so already?