ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsHow do I revert TestComplete version 15.50? How do I revert TestComplete version 15.50? WaitAlieasChild appears to be completely broken. SolvedWaitAliasChahild does not work in version WaitAliasChahild does not work in version How do I revert this version? Select browser back button How do I select the Browser Back button? this is in Chrome. I tried the object.Back() method but it does not seem to work. Re: TestComplete is no longer recognizing mapped objects The correct modules are enabled. Most of the scripts works but some of the previously mapped objects are no longer recognized/found when running the script. I remapped the objects and they will be found and selected sometimes but will fail to find the object at either the next run or when the objects are looked for again during the running of the script. I have been fighting with this for 3 weeks now. Very frustrating. How do I delete a LoadNinja script I have a script that I want to delete but I can't figure out how to delete it. SolvedTestComplete is no longer recognizing mapped objects I recently updated to Version: 15.40.421.7 x64 and many of the objects that I have mapped are no longer being recognized/found. Is anyone else seeing this issue? I am running the Web version using Chrome. LoadNinja Free Benchmark Test I need to know what the LoadNinjaFree Benchmark Test does? I ran it and it brought my system down. SolvedRe: Need to setup TestedApp for Chrome This was not a help as this it the Chrome setup. I needed more details on settings in TestedApp. Need to setup TestedApp for Chrome I need to setup TestApp for Chrome. I had it at one time but apparently in a recent code merge I lost it. I have the following from an old support ticket: chrome.exe --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=c:\users\user\tempChromeProfile\ --disable-site-isolation-trials The TestedApp Settings are shown in the attached file. I can call the TestedApp just fine using the following in my code: var SelectedBrowser = eval(Project.Variables.TestBrowser); if(SelectedBrowser == -3) { Log.Event("Opening Chrome via the TestedApp");; } else { Browsers.Item(SelectedBrowser).Run(); } SolvedRe: TestComplete 14.0 Browser Manual SetUp