Forum Discussion

mshate123's avatar
Frequent Visitor
2 years ago

Show custom field from test case as a column you can add in the test cycle view

The doc indicates you can add custom fields across Jira projects for test cases but it's not clear if/how I can also add the custom field as a column from the drop down configuration on the test player view inside of a test cycle.

Use case: 

I have a custom field in the test case called 'Automated' which indicates whether or not the test case has automated code associated with it.

Our cycles can be a mix of test cases with Automated = Yes, No, Candidate, In Progress. Every test case has one of the values from Automated drop down assigned to it.

From the test cycle player view I want to be able to ADD the 'Automated' column (custom field from test case) so I can quickly see how many test cases in that cycle are manual vs automated.

Please advise on how I can add a custom test case field to the test cycle player view.

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