Forum Discussion

nisgupta's avatar
Valued Contributor
5 years ago

testComplete 14.20 + cannot access the user defined function

TestComplete 14.20 is having issues in calling the user defined functions.  I am running the 2 scripts. script 1 runs and it has errors which is expected and so the script stops and now when it pick up the second script and when it tried to call the functions it give the error "cannot ready property 'logCredentials' of undefined . testcomplete 14.10 do not have such issue. the script which was created in the older version works fine. 


34 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    It would help if you shared your code.

    However... the error message you indicated seems to be, as mentioned, a problem in reference.  you're calling some sort of method of "logCredentials" off of some other object, presumably a script unit, that doesn't exist or is not referenced properly.  We can't say for sure... we don't know what code is generating the error.


    Double check the information shared by AlexKaras and Marsha_R  and, perhaps, share your code and we can help you more.

    • nisgupta's avatar
      Valued Contributor


      When creating brand new project suite in 14.20 we are getting the errors. Even I copied the project suite created in 14.10 then also it is giving the errors in 14.20. 



      What information do you need ? Do you want me to attach the whole project suite as I have only one project in the project suite .


      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        We don't need the whole suite... just copy/paste the code from the two units here that is giving you the problem.

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    These are new scripts that are created in 14.2 or were they created in 14.1 and now you are trying to run them in 14.2?