Forum Discussion

JackSparrow's avatar
Frequent Contributor
8 years ago

how to recognize the tiles in the windows delphi application

Hi All,


My windows application consist set of tiles .Just like the below image.

Were I can click on the tiles manually it will take to that particular screen , now when am trying recognize using the object spy its not getting identified as a each single tile , instead of that the total screen identified.


Sys.Process("Teachers.debug").VCLObject("frmMain").VCLObject("dxRibbonBackstageView1").VCLObject("dxRibbonBackstageViewTabSheet1").Window("TLMKTileControl", "", 1)


how to recognize these tiles , for now I need just how many tiles present on the screen.


In my previous post when I was struggling to get the count from the grid , HKosova suggested me to add the TLMKGrid  to the Developer Express Controls > VCL > QuantumGrid category. similarly do I need to add the TLMKTileControl ?


Anyone can help me on this .




3 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Sounds like a good suggestion.  It might not be the same component type so you might need to look into something else.other than Quantum Grdi but it's worth looking into.

    • JackSparrow's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi tristaanogre


      Actually i tried to do that way but it was not working ,so i tried in different way by digging into the different sections of the object spy where i found this




      Which worked and all the names of the tiles present in the screen was printed in the log message :D .


      But the problem was here was the same tile name have two index values like Tile_1 index is 0 as well index 1, Tile_2 index is 3 and as well index  4 ,Tile_3 index is 5 as well index 6 and so on .


      In future if i want to click on the tiles also i think we can do it in this was only ,


      Does any one have any other better solution than this .kindly let me know  

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        I wonder if it has to do with tile sizeing?  That in that Item list, there are actually two items for each "tile" where one item is a large tile, the other is a small tile, and the visibility is probably the distinguishing factor.  Is there any indication of that?