Forum Discussion

ehawkins's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

Variables not random durign test playback

Please excuse my ignorance, as I am a very novice user with only a few days experience using TestComplete. Also, I have very little programming experience.

I have created keyword test variables to use durign test playback. I have created tabular data using the variable generation wizard, and I have excel worksheets listing my variables...each column has anywhere from 20 to 100 possible values the application can use. I have placed the variables throughout the test steps, and during playback, only the first value in the column will be entered. The application will not randomize any of the values, and will only use the first value in cell a1, and no other value. This will cause issues with duplicate data being added after many tests have been run.  It must be something in my setup...does a script routine need to be added to randomize then placed appropriately throughout my testing steps?

The pic shows one of my varibles...pulling from the SSN column in excel. 

2 Replies

  • ehawkins's avatar
    New Contributor
    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, Marsha!!! It helps when you create the variable at the time of making the data-driven loop. I had variables in place before I made the loop and that was preventing me from assigning values to those fields during the loop.