Forum Discussion

VasanthVijay's avatar
9 years ago

Using of USER FORMS Test complete get crash?



function UserForm1_OnShow(Sender)
var form;
UserForms.UserForm1.Visible =true;


function sa()


By using the above code testcomplete application crash.

Why it happen?


1 Reply

  • HKosova's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    From your code, it looks like UserForm1_OnShow is an event handler assigned to the form's Show event. Calling Show() inside this event handler creates an infinite recursion, which causes the crash.


    There're two ways to show a form.


    1) Modal mode - the script is paused until the user closed the form.


    function sa()
      var res = UserForms.UserForm1.ShowModal();
      if (res == mrOK) {
         Log.Message("Form was closed via OK button.");
      else {
         Log.Message("Form was closed via another button.");

    For this to work, make sure to set the ModalResult property of the form buttons in the form designer. Example for the OK button:


    OK button


    2) Non-modal mode - the script execution continues after the form is displayed, and the script should explicitly close the form when it's no longer needed.


    function sa()
    // Do something // ... UserForms.UserForm1.Hide(); }


    Hope this helps!