Forum Discussion

tsan123's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

NameMapping Issue

What is the best way to identify an object that  changes each time you have to enter the field.?


Their is challenging Question , that keeps changing and As well the text box is changing each time I log in.


Please suggest the best way to identify that text box and  its properties to be selected.



  • First thing I would do is spend a bit of time examining the object in TestComplete object browser to see if there are any properties where the data is static and combining two or more of them results in a unique ID.  For example, I have a form where there are multiple objects that, for all intents and purposes, are EXACTLY the same... except the one I want is has "Visible" set to true.  So, I added that into my property identification mix.  While there are properties of some stuff that are dynamic, there are many times a combination of properties that will work.

    IF, however, you cannot figure it out, identify the parts of the properties that are dynamic and use wildcards.  For example, if you have a property that has something like "text1234" as a value where the numeric part changes from run to run, change the identifying property to "text*".  As long as that uniquely identifies the field, wildcards work well.

1 Reply

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    First thing I would do is spend a bit of time examining the object in TestComplete object browser to see if there are any properties where the data is static and combining two or more of them results in a unique ID.  For example, I have a form where there are multiple objects that, for all intents and purposes, are EXACTLY the same... except the one I want is has "Visible" set to true.  So, I added that into my property identification mix.  While there are properties of some stuff that are dynamic, there are many times a combination of properties that will work.

    IF, however, you cannot figure it out, identify the parts of the properties that are dynamic and use wildcards.  For example, if you have a property that has something like "text1234" as a value where the numeric part changes from run to run, change the identifying property to "text*".  As long as that uniquely identifies the field, wildcards work well.