Forum Discussion

grahamleman's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
8 years ago

More Q+A from TC 101 (8.23)

Q:Can we use the same auto wait timeout on script mode? for individual steps.

A:Yes, you can set auto wait timeout in script mode, as well as individual steps in a test (e.g. 4 seconds for one step, 90 seconds for another).


Q:Characters of the password are visible ?

A:By default, yes. There are ways to work with sensitive data:


 Q:Can we add wait step? Sometimes we need to be loaded.

A:You can add a Delay from the operations panel.


Q: Do Web Testing Events work with Chrome?

A: The web testing events are fired only for the Internet Explorer web browser and web browsers based on the Microsoft WebBrowser control. They do not occur for the other supported browsers.


Q:How do we set the delay for a 'wait' step to something longer?

A:You can adjust the timeout value either in the project properties or the value column in the recorded test.

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