Forum Discussion

bravecobra's avatar
New Contributor
14 years ago

How to load the contents of a file from the store into a string.


I'm trying to figure out how to load the content of a file into a string in DelphiScript.

The idea is to load a SQL script (that builds my database/ imports sample data) from the stores and then execute it through a ADO connection.

I can execute individual statements, but not whole script.That's what I'm after..

Here's what I've got so far, however TStringlist is not known. (AConnection is a global variable specifying an ADO connection to the server).

procedure ExecuteSQLScript(ASQLScript:string);

var AScript: TStringList;



    AScript := TStringList.Create;


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />ASQLScript]);


      Log.Message(Format('Executed SQL: %s',[
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />AScript.Text]));







Any ideas?


3 Replies

  • Hi Brave,

    Please note that DelphiScript and Delphi are different languages, and many Delphi features are unavailable in its script version. Please find more information in the DelphiScript Description help topic.

    You can read the content of a text file into a variable using the aqFile object (see the aqFile Object topic).

    procedure test;


      fileName = 'c:\textfile.txt';




      textVar := aqFile.ReadWholeTextFile(fileName, aqFile.ctANSI);

      Log.Message('See the file content in the Remarks pane', textVar);

  • bravecobra's avatar
    New Contributor
    I must have been confused by this part of the help: Working with string lists.

    Thus, that means that I have to save the file from the store to disk first and then load it from there...I just hoped I could load the content straight on, without the round trip to the disk.


  • Hi Brave,

    Files in the Stores collection are actually stored on a disk. You can get their path by using the FileNameByName method.

    procedure test;





      fileName := Files.FileNameByName('myQuery.sql');

      textVar := aqFile.ReadWholeTextFile(fileName, aqFile.ctANSI);

      Log.Message('See the file content in the Remarks pane', textVar);
