Forum Discussion

slaugier's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

How to get the pixel tolerance value?



I compare 2 files. My goal is to set a warning message if the pixel tolerance is below a certain value. An error message if it is up to this value.

How can I get the exact pixelTolerance value?


Here is my code. I want to update it and put an If condition before the Log.Warning line


if (!pic_1.Compare(pic_2, false, 5, false, 5, 0))     
// Images are differents
// Post image differences to the log
imgError = pic_1.Difference(pic_2, false, 5, false, 5, 0);

//png file with errors
imgError.SaveToFile(sDirectoryPath + sReportName + "_error_p"
+ aqConvert.IntToStr(i+1) + ".png");

// Post a warning message
Log.Warning("Pages " + aqConvert.IntToStr(i+1) + " are differents.");
aqFile.WriteToTextFile(sDirectoryPath + "log.log", "Page "
+ aqConvert.IntToStr(i+1) + " KO : " + sReportName + "_error_p"
+ aqConvert.IntToStr(i+1) + ".png created.\r\n",
aqFile.ctANSI, false);

// Pages are equals
Log.Message("Pages " + aqConvert.IntToStr(i+1) + " are equals.")
aqFile.WriteToTextFile(sDirectoryPath + "log.log",
"Page " + aqConvert.IntToStr(i+1) + " OK.\r\n",
aqFile.ctANSI, false);


  • I'm not sure of way to get the difference value returned from not matching values, but you specify the tolerance in your compare. 



    But for what you're doing I don't think you really even need it. You could just nest compares with varying tolerances.


      let maxDifference = 20;
      // check if they're identical
      if(!pic_1.Compare(pic_2)) {
        // if they're more than maxDifference log error
        if(!pic_1.Compare(pic_2, false, maxDifference, false, 5, 0)) {
        } else {
          // they're different but acceptable log a warning

1 Reply

  • cunderw's avatar
    Community Hero

    I'm not sure of way to get the difference value returned from not matching values, but you specify the tolerance in your compare. 



    But for what you're doing I don't think you really even need it. You could just nest compares with varying tolerances.


      let maxDifference = 20;
      // check if they're identical
      if(!pic_1.Compare(pic_2)) {
        // if they're more than maxDifference log error
        if(!pic_1.Compare(pic_2, false, maxDifference, false, 5, 0)) {
        } else {
          // they're different but acceptable log a warning