Forum Discussion

mohanakshi's avatar
13 years ago

Referrence Changing from winforms object to window object


     I am using TestComplete 7.0. While running the test cases the given window referrence is changing from winformsobject("...") to window("..."). I am confused like its the problem with the software build we r testing or is the testcomplete behavior.

Please help me....

Thanking You,



6 Replies

  • Hi,


         While running the project through TestExecute  i am facing the same issue(winformsobject("")  reference is changed into window("") object) . Please help me to overcome this.


  • Hi,

    OK, what exact steps did you perform to solve this problem? What is the current method invoke timeout value? How do you launch your application and what permissions does TC have (try running it as Administrator)?
  • Hi,

     I am using TC Version 7.10.475.7 and TestExecute 7.50.653.11 .

     I have changed the "method invoke timeout" value to 10000.

     In my test case I just need to detect the Excel child for which I could see the reference while programming  is as below     "Sys.Process("EXCEL").WinFormsObject("SplashScreen_CDM").WinFormsObject("MainLayoutPanel").WinFormsObject("Panel1").WinFormsObject("UiButton1""

    But when tried to run  the same code using testexecute the reference of same window is as given below

    Sys.Process("EXCEL").Window("", "", 2).Window("", "", 1).Window("", "", 2).Window("", "", 1).

    This is not only for excel !!. i just gave one example

    Because of this reason i could not run my project. Please help me.



  • Hi,

    First of all, update both TC and TE to version 7.52. After that, apply this fix:

    TestComplete Ent:

    TestComplete Std:



    Here are the hot fix installation steps:

    1. Unpack the downloaded archive to your hard disk drive.

    The archive contains two folders: 'x86' and 'x64'.

    2. Close the product you are applying the fix to.

    3. Copy the 'x86\tcClrHook.dll" file to the Extensions folder of the product.

    For TestComplete and TestExecute, the folder path looks like this:

    <Product Installation Folder>\Bin\Extensions\

    For TestRecorder, the path is as follows:

    <Product Installation Folder>\Bin\

    4. If you are running an x64 operating system, you will also need to copy the 'x64\tcClrHook.dll' file to the following folder:

    TestComplete, TestExecute:

    <Product Installation Folder>\x64\Bin\Extensions\


    <Product Installation Folder>\x64\Bin\

    Your problem can be related to MS .NET updates.
  • Hi,

         I just upgraded the Test Execute  from 7.10 to 7.5, now  I am not facing any Issues related to reference.

    Thanks to you all,

