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sonya_m's avatar
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4 years ago

Community Day 2021 - Scalable Web Tests

Scalable tests are a big topic in the QA industry for sure! Enjoy the session and subscribe to the event tag not to miss out on more quality content.


Scalable Web Tests

by Igor Staroverov, TestComplete QA Engineer


This video session explains the new mode of working with Web Objects in TestComplete. This mode is based on using the Selenium framework. Today, this framework is widely used in web testing and that’s why the transition to TestComplete will be smooth and easy. The new mode is the combination of the two powerful products - TestComplete and Selenium.


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Watch the session:



00:00 Speaker's introduction

01:34 Explaining the new mode of working with Web Objects in TestComplete

06:13 Creating a project using the new Web mode

07:01 Recording a simple test

08:30 NameMapping

09:06 Working with Selectors

14:26 Special methods

17:25 Launching a test on a remote browser using CBT

19:36 Launching tests on several remote browsers in parallel using CBT


Got questions? We are ready to answer🙂



12 Replies

  • I notice CBT has a headless option, do you know if local tests have a way of doing this functionality?


    I would like to be able to lock the computer that is running the tests rather than leaving an active computer session open while I am away

    How can we not to be locked to a local workstation for hours just watching tests ?


    • Thank you for the question!

      Yes, it's possible to run web tests in a headless web browser on a local machine. The complete instruction is here
      You can also connect to a remote computer via Microsoft Remote Desktop, run your tests here, and then close the Remote Desktop window following this instruction.

  • I have seen when working with CBT , we do have problems with applications when there is basic authentication dialog . Not possible with CBT . Is there any improvement ?




    • AlexKaras's avatar
      Icon for Champion Level 3 rankChampion Level 3



      we do have problems with applications when there is basic authentication dialog . Not possible with CBT .

      This is general Selenium limitation caused by the fact that Selenium injects its code into web page and thus has no access to anything but tested web page source. While basic authentication dialog is displayed by the browser itself.

      Usual recommended approach in this case is to include authentication info into initial tested web address. E.g.:


  • Here is one thing I noticed. To use selenium capabilities in TestComplete and the user want to write brand new script using this capabilities , user need to record the steps using keyword and then analyze the keyword recording and then from there write the scripts ?


    I do not want to use name mapping when using selenium capabilities and want to create script directly . Do you have this information somewhere ?




  • Thank you for the video!  Would you recommend this method just for users who are coming from a Selenium shop or is it useful to add Selenium in if we've only had TestComplete in the past?

    • AlexKaras's avatar
      Icon for Champion Level 3 rankChampion Level 3

      Marsha_R :


      The case here is that:

      a) Cross-platform web mode is incompatible with the classic one. Which means that you will not be able to reuse your existing code that relies on classis TestComplete search functionality (e.g. .Find(), WaitAliasChild() if classic NameMapping is used in the project);

      b) I don't remember if it is for cross-platform web mode or for cloud-compatible cloud one, but it is not possible to navigate to the selected element in the Object Browser from Object Spy. This significantly complicates tested application's investigation and working-out the strategy for NameMapping.


      My personal current preference is to use classic mode for web projects that are for sure will not need to be executed in the cloud (CrossBrowserTesting, BrowserStack, etc.).

      But if your web application for sure will need to be tested using cloud providers, then you have no other choice but to use the cross-platform web mode.


    • Marsha_R 

      I think, it will be interesting for all users.
      This method is used by default in TestComplete now.
      It's a good solution for new projects.

  • This was a great video!

    Can you tell me where else I can find information on this topic on the SmartBear website?