Forum Discussion

sukanya's avatar
7 years ago

Is Codeless Script Creation possible in SoapUI Pro?

 Is Codeless Script Creation possible in SoapUI Pro?

  • What are you trying to do? Ready API come with lots of "out of the box" functionality that doesn't require Groovy scripting and is very much "point and click". I always try to use this functionality first, only resorting to Groovy as a last resort.


    Please don't misunderstand me, I do make extensive use of Groovy scripting, but it's not my first thing I go too. In fact as I've upgraded SoapUI/Ready API versions I've actually been replacing Groovy with new in-built functionality.

  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    Not really, no. You will need to be able to write groovy scripts to use them. Thankfully the forums are here, so you can ask for help and find examples of what other people have done!

  • Lucian's avatar
    Community Hero

    What do you mean by Codeless script creation?

  • Radford's avatar
    Super Contributor

    What are you trying to do? Ready API come with lots of "out of the box" functionality that doesn't require Groovy scripting and is very much "point and click". I always try to use this functionality first, only resorting to Groovy as a last resort.


    Please don't misunderstand me, I do make extensive use of Groovy scripting, but it's not my first thing I go too. In fact as I've upgraded SoapUI/Ready API versions I've actually been replacing Groovy with new in-built functionality.