5 years agoContributor
How to get a test-step response from Suite TearDown script?
Hi All. I trying to get step step response of each test case from suite TearDown script. def testCaseCount = runner.testSuite.getTestCaseCount()
for (int i=0;i<testCaseCount;i++){
def testCaseName...
- 5 years ago
Here you go:
Please follow comments inline
/** * Tear down script of suite **/ import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.RestTestRequestStep def processStep = { "Step name : ${}" "Case name : ${}" "Suite name : ${}" "Response :\n ${it.testRequest.responseContentAsString}" //Write logic below to save the response data to file here } testSuite.testCaseList.collect { kase -> kase.testStepList.collect { switch(it) { //Process only REST requests; add additional cases as needed case {it instanceof RestTestRequestStep}: processStep it break default: break } } }
If you don't want to have the above script for each test suite or project, then you can use events, "TestRunListener.afterStep" and have relevant logic to do the same.