Forum Discussion

agupta1's avatar
15 years ago

JDBC Request for Ldap Server failing

I am trying to add a JDBC request for a Ldap server. I am using the JDBC-Ldap bridge driver from OctetString.

I have configured the connection string as :


I wasn't sure where to specify the user name which is cn=agupta-home,ou=People,dc=Avaya in this case, so i specified it in the connection string. I entered the password in the password box.

The connection to the server is successful.

However, the following sql query:

SELECT DN FROM subTreeScope;ou=People;DC=Avaya WHERE UserName='postmaster'

gives the following error:

jdbcLdap.jndi.SQLNamingException: No Such Object

Any one will have a clue why this is happening?
  • I used the following connection string:


    and the following sql query:
    SELECT * FROM subTreeScope;ou=People,dc=Avaya Where cn=postmaster

    These work fine when used from a java code

    But from SoapUI I get the error: Error in getting response; null

    Anyone has any ideas?